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"Natsu!" Lucy sprinted to their door, full of adrenaline despite having to take the stairs up to their floor due to their elevator being closed off for cleaning.

She nearly took the door off of its hinges when she busted through, and was relieved to find her boyfriend laying on the couch.

"Luce!?" He jolted up, and crashed right back down.

"Oh my goodness, you look terrible," She ran over to him so he wouldn't attempt to stand again and grabbed his face to thoroughly examine him, "Can you see how many fingers I'm holding up?"

She was holding up 3, but Natsu wasn't paying any attention to that. All he was worried about was the fact that his woman is finally here, both of her delicate hands on either side of his face. "You're so soft..."

"What? Nevermind that, when I told you to go have fun, I didn't mean for you to get wasted!"

Natsu only laughed, still too distracted by her angelic presence.

There was clearly no point in reprimanding him while he's in this state, so Lucy decided to hold off on that for right now and sat beside him on the couch. Before she could direct him into a more comfortable position, he sprung up and wrapped her in a bear-hug.

Granted, that should've been expected, and Lucy yelped when he brought his lips closer to her face, "Wait, no! No kisses until you've brushed your teeth!"

Natsu looked completely heartbroken upon hearing that, but was finally able to stand up completely. Fascinated, Lucy followed him as he silently wobbled out of the living room and towards the bathroom, shuffling around for his toothbrush as he settled in front of the sink.

She took pity on him when he couldn't coordinate his hands enough to successfully grab the toothpaste and get it on the bristles, and sighed, "Here, let me..."

He looked like an excited puppy as he watched her prepare his toothbrush for him, and then seemed to have forgotten why he'd even wanted to come in here by the time she handed it back.

"Natsu... Brush your teeth."

"Oh, right..."

As he got to work on his teeth- albeit much more aggressively than he needed to- Lucy leaned against the bathroom door frame and let out a long exhale.

Getting that phone call from Levy shook her up and spiked her adrenaline way higher than what could be considered healthy. She appreciated Gajeel's efforts to make sure her boyfriend got home safely, and she couldn't fault him for wanting to get out of here to deal with his own partner as soon as possible, but intoxicated Natsu is not something she was sure she'd be prepared for tonight.

"All done!" Natsu chirped after chucking his toothbrush in the sink, "Now can I kiss you?"

"Rinse your mouth out," Lucy didn't stay in the doorway long enough to see the way his face fell, instead making her way to the kitchen to pour him a glass of cold water.

He was beside her within seconds, carefully watching her every move as she went to sit on the living room couch and set the water on the coffee table.

"Would you like to lay down?"

He was already hopping onto the cushions beside her before she even finished her sentence, and held her by her shoulders to look deeply into her eyes. "I'm so in love with you, Lucy."

She couldn't stop herself from blushing, but she knew she didn't have time to get roped up in his romantics right now, "I love you too, but could you lay down for me? You need to rest."

There was no way he was going to defy her when she asked so sweetly like that, even more guaranteed by the way she patted her perfectly soft thighs to urge him to lay there.

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