Jungkook pt.2

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As they rode home, the ride was quiet and peaceful.

Mostly because Jungkook was knocked out in the seat.

I, on the other hand, decided to get revenge on Jungkook when I found his wallet in the car.

I parked his car at the side of the road and managed to find a piece of paper containing a  bunch of his passwords in another pocket of his wallet.

He called it the "In case I forget List". I rolled my eyes at how predictable he was. I went online and ordered almost everything the sites were selling in her size.

After, I made a call to his bank stating that I was his fiancé and I needed a joint account partnership from his account.

"Hello, this is Sinwha private banking agency." The man answered.

"Hello, this is Jennie speaking."

"I'm sorry but that doesn't ring a bell." The man's tone started to waver

"Oh silly me! I am Lee Jennie." I laughed.

"Miss I'm sorry but there are a lot of Lees in this country I don't know how you expect me to recognize you." The man spoke in an annoyed voice and that pissed me off.

"I am Lee Jennie the daughter of the Lee Ji-un and Lee Hee ae. " Does that ring a bell?"

For once I was proud of my father for having such a reputation so powerful that I could only use just his name to put people in their place.

"Oh, Miss. Lee to what do I owe this pleasure?" His tone changed.

I just rolled my eyes.

"Well, I am calling on behalf of my fiancé."

" Fiancé?! Miss I don't mean to intrude but aren't you like 18?!"

"Yes I am but I don't see what my age has to do with my marital affairs.

"Sorry. May I please know why you are calling?"

"My fiancé and I decided to create a joint account and he wanted to transfer all the money from his account to the new one as soon as possible."

" May I please know who your fiancé is?"

" Kim Jungkook."

The teller choked on his saliva.

" Umm excuse me. Sorry, but WHAT?!"

I had to take a double take on my phone screen, "What the fuck?"

"Sorry, I sincerely apologize however, miss I'm sorry but we cannot process this request without his signature."

Why was he making it so hard? " Okay now listen here I have had enough of this bullshit."
"I have had the worst day ever and I am in need for this request to be processed right this instant if not I'm marching down to your branch and I will make sure I blow everyone's heads off one by one. Or do you want me to inform my fiancé of how rude you've been to me?"

"I am so sorry miss the request is processing."

"Good have a nice day." I hung up and danced in victory.

I used a shortcut and ended up meeting Elara right on the street to our house.

Now, not only had I maxed out his credit card, but I transferred all his money to an account I needed to sign for permission before he got access.

As we got home, we tried to get Jungkook out of the car but he wasn't waking up.
"Jennie grab a bottle of water from the glove box and hand it to me!"
I scrambled for the water and handed it to her. She sprinkled it on him but no reaction.

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