The Mysterious Girl

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The girl kept on staring at Shu the whole lunch break. Shu decided to ask her why she is staring at him like he's some ghost. "Hey! Um....why are you staring at me like that?" Shu asked.

"Me? Huh! You have no right to ask me that cause you're such a loser. Only the national runner up. Only the boy with the scar. Only a weak blader. Only a person who cannot defeat Lui, nobody can and-" Shu cut her off by saying, "Well, I didn't ask you my history, got it? And stop bringing Lui inside this conversation too. I just asked you why you were staring at me ok?".

Shu was angry. There was no doubt in it. Suddenly Lui came into the conversation Outta of nowhere.

"Lia!!!! Stop, please. You cannot say that" Lui said to that girl. " Ask sorry now!" Lui said in a soft yet hard voice. "Humph! Fine. Sorry, Shu Kurenai and I was just joking. I love your blading you know!!!!" she said like it was some sort of a big task. " Nah, no problem and thanks!" Shu said.

"Wanna be friends. Please????" The girl asked Shu. She reminded him about Valt. "Sure" Shu answered. Shu was about to ask something when the Bell rang so he just said bye and came to the class with Hinata.

"Ok class, today the teacher is absent so, we'll have a substitution class. And you will play a game. Which one do you want? Choose wisely!" The new teacher said.

"Truth or dare!!" Some students shouted but Shu and Lui just stayed outside this cheerfulness. "Ok class then it's fina- aaaaaaa!" The teacher shouted in the end.

Shu turned at her to see that she was looking at him. "Shu Kurenai???!!!!!" She said loudly as she walked near him. "Um....." Shu said as he stood up.

"You're the national runner upright???!!!!!!!" She said which made Shu flinch. What's with people calling him the national runner up?. "Y-yeah!" Shu answered.

"Well, that was shocking. Great. I am your great fan too." She said to everyone's surprise. "Ok class, back to the game truth or dare is final ok?" She said and everyone agreed.

They all sat down in a circle on the floor and started playing. "First let's all introduce ourselves," a girl said. "I am......" Everyone except Shu and Lui had completed.

"I am Lui Shirosagi, the national champion" Lui said with proudness over his nose. But Shu was not like that. "I'm Shu Kurenai. You guys can call me Shu. Nice to meet you all. I hope to have a great year ahead!" Shu said and everyone clapped.

"Ok! Hari, truth or dare......" The game continued smoothly until it was Lui's turn to answer. " Lui, truth or dare," Nina asked. "Truth" he replied. "Ok, say me who do you think is the weakest in the team?" She asked smirking.

Everyone looked at Shu. Shu's face turned red. He was sure Lui is gonna say him but he didn't. He just said, "Well, I think it's no one," he said to which Shu gasped.

Now it was Shu's turn to answer. "Kurenai, truth or dare," Lui asked. "Um... let's see......truth," he said. "Ok, say me if you will forgive someone who did something so so so bad to you like physically and mentally injured you?".

"Huh! What's with the question." Shu thought as he said, "Well you see, I will but only do it when they Regret it whole-heartedly and Don't ask me why to cause that's just the kind of person I am." Answered.

Lui smiled at Shu.

A small smile.

A little FRIENDLY smile.

A smile Shu never expected from Lui.

He was about to say something as the bell rang and class got over.

When school was finally over. Shu was thinking about one thing: tomorrow is my birthday but I wonder if anybody knows or remembers it?.....

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