What's this Feeling?

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After Shu saw Lui give him a real smile, he was shocked. "Lui sure has changed a lot.....but....still I'm gonna beat him one day. That's for sure." Shu thought as he walked into the canteen for lunch.

"Students, today's lunch is..... sushi," the cook said as everyone started to eat. Shu first went and sat Alone but was soon joined by 4 students namely, Shinki, Gabe, Lui and Lia whom Shu because Friends.

"Hey! Why sit alone when you can sit with us." Gabe said to Shu as Shu gave a small smile. "Hmmm..... Shu Kurenai....you are awesome you know that? I mean you became friends with Lui and that's just great" Lia said.

"Yeah yeah! Now, let's start eating and Shu you also start eating. " Lui said as Lia smirked. "This is getting interesting," she thought starting to eat hers too. Shu just stared at his food for 3 good minutes as he started to eat.

"Students, tomorrow we're going camping and it's compulsory for everyone and the team who will sleep together will be chosen by your class teacher. It's a 2 week trip to.......New York. We know it's far but you guys will enjoy it." The announcement said.

"Wow! A trip! Hope we'll all come together." Lui said. She was surely excited. She is always cheerful or at least that's what it looks like. "New York huh? Isn't it in AMERICA?" Lia said with stary eyes looking at Shu and Lui who was in deep thought.

"B-but isn't America so far?" both of them said. "Stop copying me" they again said. "Stop it!!" They said again. Everyone was laughing except for Shu and Lui who were already having a staring contest with each other.

"Lui! You blinked. You're out!" Lia screamed to Gabe nodded as Shu pushed his hair back revealing his scar.

"Wha-what?? You do that for even this?" Lui asked with a Shocked yet funny face. "Well, I am happy I defeated you in SOMETHING!! " Shu said with a smile.

"Aww! He's so cute when he laughs. He looks like a Bunny. Like snow white!!" Lui mind-commented Shu. "Wait! What? Cute? Bunny? Snow white? Ah! I've lost my mind!" Lui mind-screamed.

"Lui, what happened? Why are you standing on the chair?" Shu asked with an adorable face.

"Lui, what happened? Why are you standing on the chair?" Shu asked with an adorable face

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(His face was like this. Adorable right!! I am melting now due to this cuteness! Ahhh! Kawaii!!!!!!)

That was when Lui realized he was standing on the chair. He looked down to see Shu still on his adorable face. A light pink blush came over Lui's face which he tried to hide.

Good Shu didn't notice it as he was busy thinking about why Lui was standing on the chair like Valt. But someone else noticed it, Lia. She just smirked a little good enough for no one to notice it.

"Lui, get down. You've been standing on the chair for 2 whole minutes and I'm getting bored watching you now!!" Lia said.

"Humph! I know. " Lui said as he got down. "So Shu, what do you think about the trip? Who's team would you like to go to?" Gabe asked Shu, changing the stupid silence.

"Oh! I've gone on trips with the beyclub in my old school but we never went this long! To say, I'm quite excited as I don't have to fear Lui will kill me!" Ahu said with a chuckle. Everyone laughed at what Shu said about Lui.

"And um.....I want to be with.....um..... you guys! Of course! That's not even a question. I just wish the teacher let us choose the tea-" Shu was cut off by Shinki.

He was already smirking like an evil devil. "Guys, guess what ? I've got some great idea Which includes Shu and the teacher hehe!".

"Ok the face tells me it's some great idea," Gabe said. "yep! So here's the plan. We all know that our class teacher is a great fan of Shu and she will do anything he asks for so..." Shiki said smirking to which everyone nodded.

"Huff! Fine but you've gotta treat me later" Shu said leaving the place.

Shu went straight to the teachers just a few minutes before the class started. "Mam!" he called hoping she won't freak out but he was wrong. "Ahhhh!" She shouted but somehow managed to stand up straight. 

Gabe, Shinki and Lia looked at Shu like they saw a ghost. They were just thinking about how Shu is gonna ask it. The sexy way? or the cute way?

" Mam..... I wanted to ask you something about the trip. would you please mind listening to me" Shu said with brought those three to super disappointment. Lui didn't notice Shu at all as he was so busy thinking about something. 

"Why did I blush back then? is it......." was the only thing going on in his mind. " Sure!!! I mean of course!!!!" the mam said.  Shu sweat dropped as he started his very humble request. 

" Mam so about that trip to New York, we heard from the announcement that the class teacher would choose the teams, so um............ I wanted to ask if you would let Lui, Me, Lia, Gabe and Shinki on the same team and don't get me wrong here.  It's just a request. No problem if you don't want to." Shu said and the others were so much pissed off.

 I mean like they expected Shu to say the same thing but differently but Lui just didn't seem to care at all. He was still busy thinking. " Of course! you can be on the team you want as long as you don't do something naughty like you know........" She said blushing a little. 

Shu understood nothing but he saw his friends already laughing at her statement. After the teacher accepted Shu returned to his seat happily. He was excited to be with Lui for the very first time. 

Shu turned to Lui showing him a peace sign but Lui again started blushing. Shu was curious but didn't show it. On the other side, Lui was still mind-commenting on Shu's beauty but this time without mind-screaming cause he knew what this feeling was.......................


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