My Love For You

379 11 6

Before the play, here's some information.
Underlined- Narrators part
Italised- Dialogue
Bold- scenes
Ok! Let's start!


Long ago, there lived a princess who lost her mother in a very young age. Her name was Snow White and indeed She was as beautiful as snow. One day, she stared at the beauties of the city when she spotted a beautiful prince walking there...

Shu: Wow! Who's that prince! I've never seen him before. Hope we can be friends!

Snow White called the prince and he did respond to her. He turned walking towards her. Shu blushes a little when he sees Lui.

Lui: Hello beauty! I've never seen you before. Wanna be friends?
Shu: I wanted to ask that too! Sure!
Lui: Ok then, let's meet later! I've got works to do, but I'll be sure to meet you again. Bye!
Shu: Ok bye!

Saying this, the prince left the place. Lui also wanted to do the same

The prince left the place but he was sure of one thing. He knew he fell for the Princess. He was also sure to meet her someday. As Snow White's mother died, her father married another women but she was evil. She wanted to kill snow White because she was so beautiful.

The evil queen orders an hunter to kill Snow White but he was way too generous that he saved her and and sent her with his own daughter.

The princess was already friends with the Hunter's daughter and so it was easy for her to get on with her. She goes to a dwarfs house....

There The story goes on like bla bla bla....
Finally the part where the dwarfs find that Snow White had fainted.

The dwarfs rushed in faster as they saw princess lying down on the floor with the curse which can only be broken by a kiss from a true love.

Dwarf 1: I don't know who is going to give her the kiss. I hope someone does.
(Every other dwarf nods)
(Lui gets into the scene.

Lui : Wha-what? Isn't she the princess I met that day or rather the princess I fell in love with? Why is she lying in the coffin?

The prince rushed over there only to find out the truth.

Lui: Oh! I love her with all my heart. I can help her!

Lui leans over for the kiss. Shu could already feel his face heating up and his heart racing. Lui slowly moves closer connecting his lips with Shu's with no guilt or regret in his mind. Shu kisses back gently as time passes. And now sadly, their kissing time was over and so, Lui pulled back cause Shu has to wake up.

The prince kisses the princess and breaks the curse. After that, they both marry each other and live happily ever after.....

When, Shinki read the last lines, the whole place was full of clapping's and whistles. They all loved this play including the characters. Even though, few people were jealous of Lui, It was awesome to look as such an beautiful scene right in front of their eyes where 2 former enemies kiss.

When, Lui kissed Shu, Shu realized he definitely fell in love and he can do nothing to stop or lie about it. Shu got down the stage slowly followed by Lui who was trying so hard to not hit Shu because Shu was walking so slowly. But Lui lost his patience as he said, " Hello princess...we only asked you to act as a princess and not always walk like a princess!". Shu pouted as he ran faster only to bump into a certain person Shu had wanted to see for years.

"Mom...". But that was not all. There was another certain someone who was standing beside her.

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