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"DAD??!!!" Shu shouted as he opened his eyes wide enough for a whale to get in. (Actually not that huge but huge😅). "Shocked huh? I bet you didn't expect this! We made up and so.........our promise is over. Now you can fall in lov-" Shu covered his mom's mouth as he pulled her to the side. "Mom! Don't shout so loud or else you're gonna a great crowd of fangirls shouting come dashing at you in full speed..." Shu said whispered as his parents chuckled. 

"My boy is the most handsome boy ever and no one can deny that!" Shu's dad said as Shu sweat dropped. "Well dad.....mom.......um..........there is something I want............to....say....to you guys about the love thingy............" Shu said as his mother smiled and replied. " Oh.....is someone in love????". Shu facepalmed himself for starting this topic in the first place but then continued anyways. "...........Y-y-y-y-yy-y-yeah..." Shu replied as his parents smiled at him. 

" Good.........and so who's this lucky girl?" Shu's dad asked as Shu shook his head. " Actually, that's where it gets different. It's not a girl......" Shu replied. " Ok then, Who's that lucky boy?" Shu's dad asked. His parents are always supporting and encouraging as before. " It's L-" Shu was cut of when, Lui and his other friends walked towards him. Shu blushed when he looked at Lui which Lui gladly returned. Shu's mom understood it was Lui but she just stayed quiet. " Lia!!!! what are you doing here? an- Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! LUI??!!!" Valt shouted from behind. 

"Yeah....so what?" Lui asked with an blank expression. Before Lui could finish talking Valt shouted, " You were so beautiful! I MEAN THE PART WHERE YOU KISSED SHU WAS AWESOME!! I LOVED IT SO MUCH! Shu looked so beautiful like a girl and I want to SEE HIM RIGHT NOW!". Valt screamed so hard that everyone covered their ears. " I-I'm h-here.." Shu said. 

The whole beyclub gasped when they looked how beautiful Shu actually is. " Woah mam! you are not only an professional in blading but in beauty too! I just hope I don't fall in love" Honcho joked making everyone laugh. "Yep! he's so right! You're more beautiful than from stage. But I never thought you would wear a short dress though...."Wakiya teased as the Albino frowned at Lia. " Well....it was the intelligent work of this intelligent girl right here" Shu replied as Lia scratched the back of her neck laughing awkwardly. Shu's mom and dad were just standing there with happiness as they looked at those perfect friends There SUPER HANDSOME son has made. Lui stayed in silence as he watched how beautiful Shu was. The more he hid his feelings the more he feel for Shu. 

"BOO! " a voice from behind of Lui shouted making Lia and Lui gasp. " Mom?" They both asked in unison as everyone had wide eyes. Even Lui was shocked. "Yep! It's me and I guess it's time Lui knew stuff" She said hugging Lia. Lui was so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so shocked. After hugging Lia, Lui's mom turned towards Lui with open hands, signaling him to hug. Lui loved his mom so much but he was just kinda angry when his parents kept fighting. He always wanted them to be together like others.

 Lui hesitantly hugged her with a question : Why did HIS mom hug LIA? " Lui, Lia and SHU.......um.....please with me........there's something I want to say and ask" She said. Shu's parents signaled him a ok to go as he followed his friend's and lover's mom. After they reached the room,  She asked Shu to stay with Lia as she called Lui to stand kinda separate because She wanted to say him things......and Shu...........she called him because you know......Lia already said her that Lui LOVED SHU??

"So...................here's the thing................Lui.........................."

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