Chapter 11 - Time Traveler's Whiplash

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Elijah had mentioned that everyone was treating him differently yesterday, but Aaron didn't expect the whole house to pretend he didn't exist. 

Doug, Terrance, Trevor, all of them had no idea who he was talking about, and that was when Aaron became concerned.

Where did Elijah go?

His first suspicion was that the shadow creature had whisked him away, but where would he be taken to? 

"You doing alright?" Todd asked, spotting Aaron at the table with his face buried in his hands.

Aaron looked up, then dropped his head back down as he fought off another headache. "Yeah. Fine, I guess."

The house leader hovered nearby, not budging from his spot and looking like he wanted to say something. Finally, he sat beside the content creator.

"Look man, I'm sorry I was so annoyed with you. I was in a mood but I shouldn't have lashed out like that. I know you're probably tight on money like the rest of us. I shouldn't have assumed you could afford more just because you've been splurging recently."


Todd nodded towards his new cell phone. "That and the camera equipment you bought. I just figured...Well, that's not the point. The knocking situation has been bothering me lately, and with everyone pointing fingers, I might have jumped on the bandwagon."

"It's fine as long as I don't get kicked out."

"You won't be kicked out. But seriously, try not to record anyone in the house. It's gonna be difficult to keep the peace if they have privacy complaints as well."

"Right. Hey, you ever heard of anyone named Elijah before?"


Aaron shook his head, this time expecting that answer.

Later that day he got a surprise call. It was the repair shop, notifying him that the computer was ready to be picked up. He excitedly headed off to retrieve it. He had a lot of catching up to do for his channel, so he was going to be busy for a while. 

The majority of his day was spent thinking up ideas for his next video and reinstalling some missing software that the technician had missed. The operating system had been reinstalled, but luckily his data was still there. 

Currently, he was sitting at the counter, resting his head and ignoring the looks his housemates gave him. He noticed Justin was acting a bit off though but had too much on his plate to check on him just yet. 

The sun started setting outside, and the house grew dark as he rested his eyes. When he opened them again, he noticed the living room seemed different. It was still dark, but the walls looked strange.

Worried that he was seeing things, he leaned forward to get a closer look when someone came down the stairs with a phone and flashlight.

"Who's there?" They called.

"Just me." Aaron responded, reaching for his computer and noticing it was now gone.

Confused, he checked behind and under the counter, in case he had knocked it off, then blinked when the flashlight shined directly at him.

"...Holy shit..." They exclaimed.

Aaron raised an arm to stop himself from getting blinded. When he recognized Elijah, he let out a sigh of relief.

"Dude! What the fuck is going on?" He barked. "Everyone in the house is acting like you never existed. Where have you b-"

"Stay back!" The goth jumped away. "Guys, I don't know what the fu-heck that is, but it sure as hell doesn't look friendly!"

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