Chapter 26 - Unexpected Visitor

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Aaron knocked on the walls and confirmed that they sounded hollow. There was definitely a room back there, but it was sealed off for some reason. He considered how much trouble he'd be in if he started peeling the wallpaper back when he heard someone return home.

If it was Todd, then maybe he could ask the man about that room and see what was up with the AC unit in the window? Yet when he returned downstairs he instead caught Doug looking at the laptop, reading his own obituary.

Desperate not to cause another supernatural breakdown like Cliff's, he prepared to try and explain the news to the specter calmly, only to be surprised when Doug burst out laughing.

"That's almost believable!"

"You...Wait...You don't know what that is?" He asked cautiously.

Doug just walked passed Aaron on his way to the staircase "I'm renting a room in one of the most haunted houses in the city. I'm used to pranks like this. Good try though." He continued on his way and left Aaron standing flabbergasted by his reaction.

Did he not realize he was dead? Or was he in denial? Did this mean he unlocked the time jump?

If so, Aaron needed to make sure not to let Doug leave the house when it happened. Damn, he wished he had more time. Why did he leave the laptop out like that?!

Maybe it wouldn't be too difficult? So far he'd overthought every other housemate's demise and they always wound up better off in the end. Perhaps he didn't need to worry about it and could just go with the flow this time?

Movement out the back window caught his eye, and he turned curiously. The backyard was fenced off, so tourists shouldn't be able to get back there.

He checked outside and noticed a laundry line strung up with sheets hanging from it. Terrence was hauling a basket down the row as he hung more up. Wondering why the man wasn't using the laundromat down the street, he went outside, skirting around the many uneven dips on the ground.

Terrance nodded in greeting but continued to work while Aaron stood by. "Why are you drying your clothes the old-fashioned way?"

"Lost my quarters for the laundromat." He explained casually, which Aaron understood. Then he spotted some of Todd's things in the basket.

"You doing Todd's laundry too?"

Terrence paused and looked down. "Yeah. He's still recovering so I volunteered to help him with his stuff."

"Oh. That's nice of you." Aaron rubbed his chin. "I was wondering, with how long you two have known each other...Are you guys friends or...Like..." He struggled to get the words out. As curious as he was, he didn't want to get punched for assuming anything.

Terrance's eyes flit towards the content creator and he squinted. "What are you suggesting?"

"Nothing. I just noticed you care a lot for him and it seemed kind of...One-sided?"

The man took a minute to lower his guard before slumping his shoulders and carrying on with the laundry. "Yeah. But he's still my friend, so I don't mind."

"Don't you?"

"It's fine." Terrance said in a tone that emphasized that it was not up for discussion, so Aaron backed off, understanding that he had overstepped his bounds.

They may live together, but they certainly weren't close enough for Terrance to feel comfortable with Aaron bringing up his personal life. He really shouldn't have tried sticking his nose in their business. In the end, it had nothing to do with him and the topic was more about Aaron's curiosity. Besides, he had more important things to take care of, like Doug.

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