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When Irene was free on weekdays, she would call Lisa over. The other never wanted anyone to pick her up, nor did she come in through the front gates. She only flipped in through the balcony. When everything was over, she would flip out again. She said it was a special service, that she was allowing Irene to experience "how Romeo and Juliet felt".

Irene was secretly amused: It had already been decades since the end of the twenty-first century, but some people still cared about this stuff. Thus, she found the security footage from a hidden camera to observe how Lisa entered and exited.

She watched the entrance twice. She watched the exit twice.

Glued to the wall, sneakily running forward with tiny steps, just like a little mouse after stealing food.

Irene couldn't help laughing out loud.

And then she turned around and told the butler not to stop Lisa.

The butler immediately answered, "We only let her in because we realized early on that it was Miss Lisa. The security for the villa is quite careful."

Everyone had gotten used to her flipping, so didn't look out for it. Who would've thought that an accident would happen.

Speaking of, Lisa should also be awarded a "Most Dedicated to Performance". After landing on the ground, she even remembered to start rolling from Irene's garden to the road outside.

But the garden was so big. How could she roll the whole way?

Thus, she got stuck in a bunch of flowers. She was curled up into a little ball. Her back was trembling. It looked like she was in great pain.

Irene only took a glance, yet her chest already hurt so much, like someone had taken a hammer and pounded it. Her hands and feet felt cold.

"What are you playing at?!" She was panicked, so her tone was a bit rough.

Lisa shook in fright. "Sorry, sorry. I just thought that there probably wouldn't be a need for me anymore, so I could head back first to finish drawing my homework, sorry..."

Irene looked at the bloody mess of her elbows and knees and observed how Lisa didn't even dare to cry out in pain. Instead, she was still carefully smiling in apology. Irene's entire being felt sick. A deep furrow appeared between her eyebrows. With clenched teeth, she found an angle where she wouldn't touch Lisa's injuries and carefully gathered her into her arms.

"Don't move around. If you mess up the wound, it'll scar. Is your bone injured? What did you land on?"

Lisa hurriedly plastered a huge smile on her face. "I'm fine. It was just a small fall."

Irene wanted to say something else.

She opened her mouth, but nothing came out. With a dark expression, she told the butler to bring out the distilled water. She would first clean Lisa's wounds.

At this time, the butler appeared.

The people from the agency followed.

Lisa instantly hid her face. She pressed a hand on the ground and struggled to get out of Irene's embrace. "Miss Bae, you can put me down."

Irene was in the middle of rinsing the wound on her leg, so wasn't prepared for such an action. The water suddenly ended up spilling all over her hand. She looked down and noticed that the knee wound that had almost stopped bleeding was red with fresh blood again.

"Don't move! Stop moving around!" In her panic, her tone changed.

Lisa quivered in fear. "I......there are......people......"

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