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If they had been "well prepared" to meet Irene's family, then the time before meeting Irene's friends was technically like "preparing for battle"— , Irene was preparing for battle.

She specially set the venue to be at her own villa and organized an open-air buffet style gathering. To Lisa, this was a familiar setting. Under the sun, in the slight breeze: a setup that could allow one to relax. It decreased as much external environmental pressure as possible for Lisa.

Irene was really scared that Lisa would feel uncomfortable.

After all, she knew that no matter what, she was still technically a famous bachelor in her social circles. There were quite a few people eyeing the position of "Master Bae". All sorts of people. Though she had resolutely rejected them with no room for argument, and though not many of them had expressed particular longing or acted in further ways to express their passion, nobody could say for certain when it came to matters regarding love and infatuation.

Who knew if a secret pursuer would suddenly charge out of a corner and turn everything into a big mess?

Moreover, Lisa had "become official after a contract", after all. These past few years, she had frequently attended several gatherings held by Irene's friends. These friends all knew. In case one of them stupidly said something in jest. Irene obviously wouldn't feel anything, but Lisa had thin skin. It was likely that she would feel embarrassed for a long time.

Her purpose in setting the venue to be her own home had also been so that in case an insensitive person caused Lisa to feel unhappy, she could kick them out at any time.

The good news was, neither of the two types of situations that Irene was worried about occurred.

These past few years, anyone with eyes could understand her actions. Even if they hadn't been able to understand much, they ought to understand now after observing Irene's gaze and body language.

The people here were all experts at reading others.

Aside from being her friends, the majority of them also had several business connections and collaborations with Irene. Who wanted to cause the host displeasure at such a time and place?

The atmosphere was rather nice. It could be considered passionate and unrestrained, joyous and vibrant. Lisa was also elegant and polite. She perfectly blended in; there were no obstacles at all.

The bad news was a problem occurred when Irene least expected it. More accurately speaking, a problem occurred involving a certain somebody that Irene had least expected.

Seulgi, Irene's best friend. Sister who had grown up wearing the same pair of pants, originally said would be bringing her partner along. But unexpectedly, her partner had gone into a fit during the drive over. She could only immediately turn the car over, by the time Seulgi arrived, she had already missed more than the first half of the program and was only in time for the ending.

This was already disappointing enough.

More terribly, when Seulgi rushed over, smiling at Irene apologetically and saying that she would punish herself by drinking three cups, Lisa, who had been excited all night, suddenly whipped her head around. She stared at Seulgi's face for a second before her complexion turned ghastly pale.

The next second, she turned away again.

Lisa took a sip of her alcohol, then adjusted her expression, trying to act like nothing had happened.

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