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But when you call me baby
I know I'm not the only one

"Um, can I-I speak first?"

While speaking, she snuck a peek at Irene from under her eyelashes. Then, she lowered her gaze again in panic.

She fiddled with her hands. It seemed like she was so nervous that she didn't know what to do with herself.

This was rather strange.

In their four years together, Lisa usually only agreed with whatever Irene said. She had practically never made any requests, not to mention fighting to speak first. Irene found this new experience interesting. And, she was in a great mood, so didn't think too much of it. She nodded.

"Okay, then you speak first."

Lisa squeezed her lips together. She swallowed, then suddenly bowed at Irene. "Irene sunbae, thank you for taking care of me all these years."


Which scene in the play was this?

Irene didn't understand.

Panicked, Lisa looked up from behind her trembling eyelashes to glance at Irene. Her hands, which were clasped together, turned pale with how hard she was squeezing.

"Just......um......originally, we only signed a three year contract. Earlier, we had reached the deadline, but didn't renew the contract...... Now that Chaeyoung's back, I don't need to give her money anymore. So I......"

Belatedly, Irene understood.

The smile froze on her face. The longer she listened, the darker her expression got.

How comical.

While she had been feeling hesitant and planning a confession, someone else had been in the midst of planning a farewell.

Like usual, Lisa spoke while sneaking glances at Irene. Upon noticing that the other's expression kept getting darker and darker, her voice also started getting shakier and quieter. Ultimately, she didn't manage to finish.

Irene's expression was like the sky right before a summer thunderstorm. Dark clouds hung dangerously. The furrow between her brows was extremely noticeable.

Lisa belatedly recalled that some drama or book seemed to have mentioned that the young masters of rich families were all very prideful. Only they were allowed to dump others; others were never allowed to dump them.

The phone call in the middle of the night. The familiar tone while speaking. The question of "apartment or villa." A whole three hours. The unfamiliar but strong fragrance on her body upon her return. And the scratch marks. Those scratch marks. Normally, even if there really was something going on, the other wouldn't need to leave marks in such an obvious location. Lisa didn't even dare to imagine how many more marks were on other parts of Irene...

Additionally, Irene's complete lack of disdain towards them seemed to be allowing their presence.

She had been clearly by Irene's for so many years, but still didn't dare to leave any marks on Irene's body. She knew that this was the countdown that she had feared all this time. When one relied on their looks to attract someone, love would fade along with appearance.

This was true in historical and modern times, nationally and internationally.

Only, she hadn't thought that the death knell would start ringing so soon. Someone as gentle as Irene could also be so resolute as to not even leave her time for a meal.

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