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This was a simple mission.

Lisa's dorm room was like her person. Pure, clean, neat.

The tiny area belonging to her had been clearly separated into the two sections of "life" and "school."

Lisa was a good student.

Irene had known this since long ago —it had been written in the other's "interview" materials and submitted— but she hadn't taken it to heart. She had been a science student. Her entire academic career, her grades had been at the top of her class. She had also skipped years of school. When faced with students of other majors, she always felt a natural sense of superiority that was hard to rationally subdue. She assumed that liberal arts students were those who hadn't been able to get good enough grades to be science students.

However, Lisa had changed this prejudice for her.

Of course, this hadn't happened overnight. She had been slowly and imperceptibly influenced. Almost every time Irene paid attention to Lisa's academics, she would always discover that the other was much more hardworking and assiduous than she had believed. Additionally, she was also much more talented.

Aside from her own major, drawing, she also liked sculptures, especially clay sculptures and installation art. She would often make some small experimental products; as long as good exhibitions were in town, she would definitely visit; aside from art, she also read books regarding literature, technology, philosophy, and lots of other random stuff.

One time, Irene had found out that she was reading 'The Second Sex'. She had jumped in fright and asked the other why she was also reading this type of book.

Lisa had asked, bewildered. Is something wrong?

Irene had scratched her head. Well, nothing's wrong......But I thought that this was a book that only people like my older sister would read.

Irene's older sister was the textbook modern, independent woman. A daring pioneer of feminism.

Lisa had thought about it and said, art is a projection of the real world. To make one's own creations more diverse, one can't not try to understand this world from varying different perspectives. I'm not that perceptive or the type of person who thinks deep thoughts. And, I'm not experienced enough. I can only read a few extra books to try and make up for that.

She seemed to truly believe, from the bottom of her heart, that she was very lacking in talent.

When they occasionally brought up this topic, she would always be embarrassed and panicked.

If not for this, a big name as important as Irene wouldn't be specially taking half a day off in the midst of an extremely busy concerts just to bring her back to pack.

Actually, there wasn't much to pack.

One big sketchbook and one small sketchbook, both frequently used. One's pages were curled because of frequent flipping. This one contained the basics of human anatomy. The other had a few half completed sketches and some other everyday practice sketches.

Irene packed up very quickly. Just as she was about to place them in the bag, her gaze suddenly got attracted to the sketches at the very top.

They were of the human body.


Fair skin, thin waist, delicate legs, toned abs.

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