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This question kept plaguing Irene.

She would occasionally bring it up and think about it: with such a great figure, the person looked like a professional model...... But wasn't the art institute more inclined towards normal people who didn't have perfect bodies to be their models? So was this someone she had hired privately? Such a model would be really expensive, right? Oh, but Lisa's allowance was probably more than enough to pay for an ordinary model. But why did she keep hiring this model? Could it be?

If she was adamant about getting an answer, Lisa wouldn't be able to refuse. She would ultimately respond.

After all, Lisa technically wasn't allowed to keep secrets from her.

Before Irene had gotten so invested, she had offhandedly asked questions too. If Lisa didn't instantly respond, she would even feel a bit upset. Eventually, though, she gradually realized that Lisa wasn't as nonchalant about these matters as she appeared. She couldn't bear to keep acting the same way anymore. If she could make a guess, she would; even if she couldn't, she wouldn't try to force it.

Even though logically, she knew that she ought to give Lisa some space, this person who had filled up an entire wall......

She ultimately couldn't let things go so easily.

In fact, she was even more upset about this woman than she was about Lisa's girlfriend.

After all, Lisa's girlfriend was far away in a distant city. At most, they could only see each other once in six months. But this model was different. Given the dates that Lisa had added under her signatures on the bottom right corners of her drawings, this model and Lisa met up at least once a week.

Additionally, Lisa had never mentioned such a person to her before. Is she a trainee from her agency? But as Irene knew, Lisa wasn't close enough to her trainee friends. She's close only with a girl from New Zealand.

The two of them had been together for a little more than three years. It couldn't be said that their interactions were unpleasant. No matter what, they were technically still affectionate towards each other.

Irene could also tell that during these past two years, since her company doesn't treat her right, Lisa had started trusting and relying on her more and more. When Lisa was having trouble making a decision, she would instinctively ask for Irene's opinion too: on matters regarding school, life, future work choices......even her girlfriend. Sometimes, she would get excited and accidentally blurt some stuff out.

But she had surprisingly never mentioned this person who she was seeing so frequently and who she often met with "everything bared." Lisa had even diligently drawn no less than ten sketches of her and had pasted these sketches all over the walls of her dorm.

Something was definitely off.

Irene kept mulling these questions over in her head. For several consecutive days, she was often in a daze outside of work hours.


Lisa assumed she was too busy, so suggested for her to go back to staying in the apartment next to the company.

"It's too far away. You wake up so early every morning and get back so late. You don't even get enough rest."

While saying this, Lisa had just placed Irene's head on her lap and was giving the other a gentle head massage— In the past, Irene had liked going outside to get massage and spa treatments. For her, Lisa had specially taken the exam to become a Thai masseur.

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