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The entire way, Irene kept Lisa's hand in her own. The two of them both had thoughts preoccupying their minds, so they didn't really speak much. They snuck glances at each other.

Both were beyond anxious that the other would discover this.

Thus, surprisingly, neither discovered.

What made Irene upset was the fact that this trip was surprisingly short.

Before she could even warm up Lisa's hand, they had somehow already arrived.

She could only pretend that the car was too big and that she couldn't find a parking spot for it. After driving around the airport again, even she found herself childish and comical. She ultimately stopped the car in front of the arrivals hall. But she was still unwilling to let go of the hand she was holding.

A while later, Lisa moved her fingers first. "Um......Miss Bae ......"

Irene closed her eyes and calmed herself down. She then heaved out a long sigh in her heart. She wanted to kiss Lisa, but the car's front windows weren't covered. Irene feared that Lisa would feel troubled, so didn't dare to do so. She only picked up the other's hand and glued it to her lips.

Lisa didn't understand what was going on. She also didn't dare to move. She simply let Irene keep her lips glued on.

Irene stared at her delicate features without blinking. She could only think of the way Lisa had looked while crying out in pain in her nightmare. For a long time, she couldn't talk herself into letting go. Until the alarm she had set on her phone started ringing.

"You know my personal phone number, right?" She finally sighed in secret and asked.

Lisa nodded. "I do."

"If anything comes up," Irene started. For fear that Lisa wouldn't understand, she emphasized, "No matter what, no matter when, no matter if it's troublesome or not. As long as you think it's necessary, call me."

Lisa froze.

With slightly furrowed brows, she stared at Irene through lifted eyelashes. Then, she quickly lowered her gaze once more, nodded, and agreed.

Though Irene's car had a lowkey outer appearance, its value was five to ten times that of a normal car. Mixed in among the flow of cars entering and exiting the airport, it couldn't not stand out.

Even when it was extremely far away, it was still instantly recognizable.

Lisa stood next to the window of the arrivals hall. She held onto the railing and watched as that car slowly travelled through the busy traffic, gradually getting smaller and smaller until it could finally no longer be seen.

The rims of her eyes were a bit red. Her eyes were also a bit watery.

But ultimately, there weren't any actual tears.

Irene always said that Lisa started crying at a single touch and called her little crybaby. While joking, she would say that Lisa's "bones and flesh had been made of water." But Lisa knew that this wasn't true. In the almost twenty years before she had met Irene, she had only cried two or three times at most.

The same held true now. As long as she wasn't by Irene's side, she wouldn't be able to cry, even if she wanted to. After all, tears wouldn't actually solve any problems. When one was alone, they were the most useless things.

Lisa squeezed her lips together. Irene's car had already disappeared from her line of sight. There was no use standing here anymore either. She thought about it, then laughed at herself while shaking her head. "Stop dreaming about such unattainable things." She lowly muttered.

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