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Irene and Lisa's wedding was very lowkey.

Lisa was an orphan. She didn't have any relatives. The orphanage's old director and nanny, who had been exceptionally kind to her during her time at the orphanage, had already passed away. She was completely alone in this world; Irene wasn't someone who liked big crowds either. She only invited her closest family members. As per protocol, the two of them flew to a country where gay marriage was legal to get their marriage certificates. Then, they flew back to hold a reception. When they put their rings on, they were technically a married couple.

Originally, Irene's villa already contained a bunch of Lisa's stuff.

Now, they added more into the apartment too.

Very ordinarily and very naturally, they started their cohabitation.

Lisa's dormitory building wasn't too far from Irene's workplace. On weekdays, Irene would go to work while Lisa went to academy.

Normally, Lisa got out of agency earlier, so she would sit in the little cafe across from Irene's office and eat pastries while drawing, waiting for Irene to get off work so they could head home together. If they were planning on making a more difficult dish that day, they would go buy ingredients. Irene didn't like the apartment maid's cooking. Thus, Lisa cooked during the weekdays. She was great at cooking, so Irene ate a lot. The time Irene spent in the gym each day became longer too.

If anyone was busy over the weekend, this was normally Irene. Lisa's schooling was all about continuous practice. Each day, she practiced regularly. Though this was a lot of pressure and work, as long as she didn't have any exhibitions or designs due, all the work she needed to do was regular and easily predictable stuff. Irene was different, though. There were oftentimes emergency situations she had to take care of——they would stay in the apartment. If no one was busy, they would travel together, or head back to the villa.

Aside from being quite clingy when spending time with one another, to the point of even holding hands while on the way to the bathroom, they weren't actually any different from a normal couple.

Lisa was still as cautious and thoughtful as ever.

Only, she worked even harder on her studies than before.

Recently, she was in the midst of learning historic methods of how to make oil paintings from her teacher. Apparently, this could create paintings akin to the solemn but beautiful pieces from the Renaissance. Additionally, these paintings could be saved for a long time.

As soon as she got the opportunity, she would unreservedly start drawing Irene. Her mesmerized expression, that she never bothered trying to hide, was very cute.

One time, Irene couldn't help teasing her, saying, as expected, you're just a face-con. You only fell in love with me "for this great face."

By then, they had already been living together for a little over two months.

Lisa and Irene's interactions were slightly more casual than before. Lisa was starting to learn to change how she addressed Irene. One in twenty times, she would remember to say "sunbaenim". However, after hearing this statement, Lisa instantly threw her pencil away in panic, just like how she had before they had confirmed their relationship.

"No, that's not it. Please don't think that way......" She repeatedly denied.

"I'm joking with you," Irene hurriedly said.

But Lisa still stated, very resolute, "You have a wealth of knowledge, extraordinary insight, and an elegant spirit. Even if you looked like Thanos or Yoda, I would still love you."

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