Chapter 19

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"And then Kion blew him off the mountain after Yazid distracted him. I hadn't seen him since . . . until today, that is."

"Oh...," Kunto trailed, unsure of what else to say or how to react after hearing all her uncle just told her.

"Now you understand why I attacked Zane when I saw him?" Makuu asked, sounding desperate.

I bet he wants me to agree with him. I mean, he's not wrong. I get why Uncle Makuu reacted the way that he did, but... Kunto stopped thinking and sighed. As much as she wanted to take Makuu's side because he is her uncle, and he did have probable cause for attacking Zane, she felt like she would be turning her back on Zane. He did so much for her, even though he's supposed to hate crocodiles. They both had each other's backs the whole trip back to the Pridelands. Kunto owes Zane for all that he did for her. However,...


The young crocodile looked up into her uncle's eyes. Makuu seemed worried about her.

I don't want to turn my back on Zane, but I also don't want to feel like I'm betraying my family, either. Even if they have been keeping things from me, they're . . . they are all still so very important to me.

"Kunto..." Makuu repeated.

"I DON'T KNOW!" Kunto cried, burying her head beneath her claws. She could feel her body shaking and tears beginning to form. "I don't know..."

It took a few minutes, but Kunto eventually pulled herself together. She took a few gasping breaths and composed herself. She sat up straight and looked back at Makuu. Her uncle was still staring at her, visibly concerned about her breakdown. Surprisingly enough, though, he did not push her for anything. He waited by Kunto's side, patiently waiting for her to say something.

"Sorry, Uncle Makuu," Kunto apologized. "It's just . . . well . . . I know that you and Zane had some bad history together, but he more than made up for it by taking care of me and bringing me home. That should count for something. Besides, I promised to help him in return for helping me, so the Pridelands be damned if anyone tries to stop me."

Silence followed. The two crocodiles kept quiet for a while.

"Did Kiburi teach you to talk like that?" Makuu eventually said, smiling.

"Well, when you spend enough time around my dad, you pick up a few things that you probably shouldn't," Kunto responded, amusement flowing into her voice.

"Oh, yeah. Can't argue with that."

Kunto and Makuu shared a laugh.


The two crocodiles turned to see most of the Guard standing by, Kiburi's float and Masika right behind them. Kion was nowhere in sight, for he's tending to the situation regarding Zane with both Rafiki -- and Makini -- and the Pride.

"About time you guys..." Makuu began.

"Is it true?" Zula interrupted as she pushed past the other crocodiles and the Guard.

Kunto thought she felt her heart stop beating for a moment, but only a moment, before speeding up and beating faster. Unable to take the feeling any longer, she walked away from Makuu and out into the open. Immediately, her eyes locked on with her mother's. At that moment, neither mother nor daughter had the ability to move.

But, it was only for a moment.

"KUNTO!" Zula cried. Moving faster than Kunto ever thought her mother could, Zula surged forward and curled herself around her daughter. She pressed her head against Kunto's and aggressively nuzzled her. "My baby girl, I was so worried about you!"

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