An Early Flight - 12

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Alternate Title: An Early Flight and alot of Fourth Wall Breaking

George POV
I don't know what happened but my flight got cancelled causing me have to take an earlier flight meaning, I would be in Florida in two days. I smack my head against the counter, I was eating breakfast when I found out my flight got cancelled, it didn't tell my why it just said some unknown reasons. Maybe something was going on with the weather, or maybe the author wanted to move things along faster. Yeah it definitely wasn't the latter.

Everything changed in my schedule that is. I had to call the pet sitter to tell them they need to come earlier, which wasn't a problem, I need to clean the apartment before I left and I need to pack, which meant I had to do that all today, seeing as I was leaving tomorrow. I wasn't even dressed and this meant I would see Dream sooner, if I was still going to. I started packing three weeks ago but gave up seeing as I still had three weeks, bad idea. Now I was in a rush and felt overwhelmed. Just like the author in everything she does.

Great I broke the wall twice.

I ingorned what happen and continued eating my breakfast thinking if what I should do. Maybe I wouldn't go to Dream's house, like he will remember I 'sent' him something. Right on que Dream texted me. My heart leap and I look at the phone and then it sank I what the text read.

'Hey that package is coming soon right'

I almost scream out loud, everything was moving way to fast, it was almost like a cringy fanfiction and I hated it. Then I panicked text.

'Tomorrow, you'll love it' It was like my heart took over not my brain, or maybe the author took over. I shook the last part of my head, people were going to get angry at me. I sighed it was too late, the text was out and I had to figure something out. I decided to buy him a gift and leave it at his door, yea that'll work, it totally won't back fire on me.

I sighed, it was about time I got to work, I pick up my dish and put it in the sink, beside the overwhelming panick Dream gave me, I was excited to go to the states, it would be the first time I left the UK, it would be fun. Besides the overwhelming feeling of dread. I felt like I betrayed Dream, It felt like I lied to him. But then again, I could consider revenge.

449 words

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