A Crash Landing... Sike - 16

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George POV
Imagine the plane crashed. It would be better than going to Florida and the possibility of Dream recognizing me. Matter of fact it would be bad if anyone recognized me, seeing as they cloud easily bring it to Dream's attention. Ever since I meet Dream, we both blown up majorly, and I even got recognize in public in a store. Who said it couldn't happened here. A lot of our viewers were from the USA. So there was a higher chance of being recognized. Let's just hope it didn't happen while I was here.

I leave the airport looking for my Uber, quickly finding them in seconds. I hop in the car giving them the hotel address. Once there I checked in and got my key. I felt jet lagged hit me and wanted to fall asleep. I unlock the door and walk in immediately flopping down on the bed. I wanted to close my eyes and drift off into a peaceful slumber. Then I heard my phone ding, I decided whoever was texting me could wait till morning. But then another ding went off. Then another. Whoever was texting obliviously has something important to say. So I picked up my phone and seen who was texting me, it was Dream. I opened up messages to see what he was saying

I just realized something

U r prob only using me for clout and money

Not only am I going to expose you

But also I'm leaving you

This number has been blocked

Without thinking I threw my phone across the room. It hitting a wall, which cause on of the paintings to hit the floor with it. Still sitting on the bed I stuff my face in a pillow in hopes to stifle the cries. In hope to stifle the pain

Fundy POV
After breaking the vase, I went into Dream's room and starting throwing things off his shelf at the walls. I went into his closet and starting throwing his clothes onto the floor, even tearing a hoodie or two. I destroyed his bed, I destroyed everything, expect for one thing. His gaming set up. I unplug the monitor, picking it up and walking up to his window, throwing it as far as possible, which it landed in the road. I did the same with his PC, his mic and his mouse. I went back down stairs feeling a bit more calm. I heard a meow  and a fluffy ears poke its way out of the kitchen and sit down at my feet. It was Patches.

I picked her up and went outside with her into my car. And I drove, and drove until I was in a part of town I didn't recognize with the only building I recognize a hotel, I took off Patches collar, which was a light pink with a cute gold tag on it that had her name and Dream's information. Then I sat Patches outside and I drove away. Sure I knew this would get people angry at me and I loved cats, I had one of my own, but this would help me and Dream's relationship, I could comfort him and make him fall for me more. You understand right readers. This is the perfectly sane thing to do.

I drove back to the restaurant and sat down back at my table calling over the waiter.

"You can let him out now"

She nodded and instantly ran towards the bathroom and unlocked it. I sat waiting for Dream to come back. And before I knew he came back and sat infront of me.

"Welcome back from you journey"

"Thanks is it fine we go back to my house, I left my phone, keys and wallet and I think I didn't lock the door." I gasp in worried, of course my acting skills where on point.

"Okay we can eat real quick and then go" He nodded and starting scaring down food causing my to give and chuckle I ate. After we finished I called the waiter over and payed seeing as Dream didn't have his wallet on him. He pay me back in other ways

We hop in my car and start to drive back to his house, silence filled the ride, nothing being said. I could feel Dream's anxiety and it made me feel anxious, even though I already knew the end results.

Dream POV

We walked in the house finding it trashed I run upstairs where my most valuables we're finding everything in the room trashed and my recording equipment gone. And then it hit me Patches. I called for her and she didn't meow or came to me like she normally did. I ran back downstairs and continued calling, when I seen it the back door wide open. And then I broke. I felt a pair of arms hug me wish made me feel more relaxed.

"Hey it's fine, let's go to your room to calm down for a bit" I nodded my head hoping I would find Patches. Hoping everything would be fine


Oops. Before I get murdered, I promise Patches will return, for now she is missing
853 words

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