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(TW: blood, and violence)

You've been at Miss Robichaux's Academy for 2 years now, joining when you were 17. It was your last year of high school when you found out you were a witch. You didn't find out in a nice way. Some girls knew they were witches at a young age and joined the academy to stay safe. You, on the other hand, found out after a long day of school.

The day you found out was awful.
You felt like nothing was going your way.

You had lots of friends, but you weren't popular at all. On this day, most of your friends were away, either sick, or just skipping. So you felt pretty shitty that day because you had no one to talk to or get you out of your rut. You trudged through the day trying to keep your head high, but everything changed after school was let out.

You opened your locker to grab your text books before leaving to go home. You put in your lock code but the lock wouldn't open. After you pulled on your lock several times your locker door finally flew open, and the books you shoved in toppled out.

You sighed. You only expected stuff like this to happen in movies. You were thrown out of your head when you heard someone yell from underneath your locker.

"Hey Bitch! Watch out!" A girl who was known to cause trouble yelled at you. She was much taller than you and had long black hair. You didn't want to piss her off.

"Oh shit sorry!" You said trying not to make eye contact with her as you fumbled your books into your arms.

"Dude, your books hit my head!"

"I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" You asked while shoving them back into your locker, and still not making eye contact.

"Am I okay? You gave me a concussion!" You turned around at this.

How could she have a concussion? But you stumbled back a bit after seeing she was towering over you. She was at least a foot taller than you and she was standing very close to you.

"Hey, I'm sorry! I don't want to cause any trouble." You managed to speak.

"Too late Bitch. I'm going to mess you up like you did to me." She cracked her knuckles and threw her fist right at your gut. 

You managed to dodge it at the last second. Although, it felt like you moved a lot farther away from her than possible.

"Hey! How did you do that! Get back here!" She yelled.

How did I do that?? You thought to yourself.

She drove her fist right into the side of your face. You to lost your balance. You felt your body slam into the floor and slide into the lockers. She ran up to you and took the opportunity to kick you repeatedly in your gut. You couldn't breathe.
You felt tears pool slowly around your eyes until they all fell at once.

"Stop!" You tried to scream, but it was only a whisper as she continued to kick.

You looked up at her and saw laughter in her dark blue eyes. Seeing her find enjoyment in beating you up caused your ears to heat up. Your chest felt heavy and you stared into her eyes.


"AUGHHH!" She screamed and collapsed to the ground.

You closed your eyes and took deep breaths. You slowly regained your breathing and opened your eyes.

A crowd of people stood in front of you, but their backs were turned. You carefully stood up and pushed through the crowed.

The girl lay on the ground sobbing as a pool of blood slowly expanded around her body. Her legs were both snapped and bent in the other direction.


You sat in the car with your mom. Refusing to talk from the shock of what happened.
"Honey, I know you didn't break that girls legs on purpose."
You stared out the window watching the trees fly by for a few moments.
"Am I grounded? I didn't even touch her, mum!"
"I know you didn't."
"You do?"
"Yes, and we aren't going home."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm taking you to New Orleans."

That's when you found out your grandmother was a witch. Apparently your family passed down a witch gene, and you happened to get it. Although your family didn't know you had it until you almost killed the girl at school.

You stood in front of the iron gates and watched them open by themselves. Carefully you picked up your bags and walked towards the white manor. The side walk was covered in leaves from the passing autumn. The manors windows were glowing gently in the dusk. It was beautiful and you couldn't help but admire it as you made your way towards the door.

You gently knocked on the glass window of the door. You listened carefully as you heard footsteps approaching. They sounded hurried, but gentle. You noticed it was probably a woman because of the high heel sound they made. Just then the door slowly opened.

"Hello, you must be (y/n). Come in!" A gentle voice spoke.
You looked up and saw a tall woman with blonde hair and deep brown eyes. As you looked into her eyes you felt like looking into them forever.

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