Small Confessions

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A year had passed and you never really talked to Cordelia unless it was for professional reasons. You didn't want to talk to her that often because you were hoping that your feelings for her would disappear.

Another girl had joined the academy, and her name was Zoe. You liked Zoe, she was quiet and friendly. She stayed in your room with Madison.

You didn't like Madison at first because of her attitude, but you eventually learned to look past her 'ego' and grew close to her.

You guys would sometimes go out to parties together and Madison would always let you borrow her clothes. After Zoe came, she started coming with you guys. You three became really close during the year, although you were still closer to Madison.

The night you and Madison became the closest was when you finally told her about your little crush.

You two were sitting outside on the front steps with hot chocolate while Madison smoked a cigarette. You had spent the evening at a party, so you two were a little tipsy. You decided to come home early because the party wasn't going very well. It was mostly full of frat boys getting too drunk and blacking out. Madison wanted to take you somewhere fun because it was your birthday.

Madison puffed some smoke as she tried to create rings in the air. "Hey sorry about the party, (Y/n). It was kind of a bust."

"It's okay, really," you said then took a sip of your hot chocolate.

The air was chilly and you could see the hot chocolate steam fly into the air and collect with Madison's cigarette smoke. Your hands gripped the mug to stay warm.

"I would rather hang here tonight anyways," you said after a few moments.

"Really," Madison said unimpressed. "I don't believe you! You love partying."

"Yeah, but I would rather hang with people I know for my 18th birthday."

"Okay, whatever."

You chuckled at Madison's attitude. You knew that she respected your opinion, and that she secretly wanted to stay here tonight anyways.

"You know," Madison started. "I feel like you just secretly like someone at the academy. That's why you wanted to stay here!"


"Yeah, you aren't that close with any of the other girls yet, so why else would you want to hang with them?"

"I think you're reading to far into this, Madison."

"No seriously! I know that you're into girls anyways. And I just have a feeling."

"Okay, fine I do." You said. You felt your heart race and you gripped the mug harder.

"Haha! I knew it!" Madison yelled, with smoke trailing out of her mouth.

"Hey be quiet!" You gasped, not wanting anyone to overhear.

"Okay, sorry. Who is it?" Madison said quieter.

"I'm not telling you! It doesn't matter anyways. They would never like me back." You said sadly.

"Is it Zoe? I know she's relatively attractive, I guess, and she's not into girls."

"No it's not Zoe."

"Good. That would have been awkward since we share a room with her."

You laughed nervously.

"Oh no! It's not me is it?" She said jokingly, but you felt like she was genuinely asking.

"No! Don't worry, Madison, I love you as a friend."

"Okay good," she puffed more smoke out gently as she thought for a moment. "Holy shit."


"I know who you like!"

"Who?" You asked as your heart beat in your ears.

"You like Cordelia!"

"What? No!" You felt blush creep up the back of your neck to your cheeks.

"Yeah you do! It's so obvious now that I think about it."

"What? I tried to hide it!"

"Oh, so you admit it then!" Madison laughed.

"No wait!"

"Well you're fucking bad at hiding it."

"Argh! I've been trying to suppress it! She has a husband and she's 10 years older than us. There's no way. It's better if I hide it."

"Bitch, You need to do a better job. When you talk to her you get all quiet and your hands get shaky!"

"Do you think she knows?"

"No way, she's too busy to notice. She seems too anxious recently, so I think you're good."

"Please don't tell anyone, Madison."

"I promise I won't."

You smiled. You knew this was out of character for Madison, but you appreciated her promise.

You Belong to me (Cordelia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now