Frog Rings

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"(Y/n)?" Her voice cracked and her eyes widened. You looked into them. They were red from crying.

"Are you okay?" You asked.

"I'm fine," she said looking back over the water.

"Can I join you?"

Cordelia patted the wood beside her. You sat down and swung your feet over the edge.

You two sat in silence for a while. You listened to the cars in the distance roaring on the streets, and the waters ahead, crashing against the docks. You could also hear Cordelia's breathing. It was staggered and heavy.

"Zoe said you've been in your room all week. What are you doing here? You said breaking the comfortable silence.

"I snuck out. I should be asking you the same question. Queenie said you've been in your room all week," she said swinging her feet.

You watched her feet gently skim across the surface of the water, creating small ripples.

"I also snuck out." You said quietly.

She nodded slightly, acknowledging your answer.

You waited for Cordelia to break the silence. You wanted her to make a decision without your influence.

You watched her lift her arm and wipe her sleeve across her face as she let out repressed sniffle.

You longed to give her a hug and tell her everything will be okay. She placed her hand back down in her lap.

"I've missed you so much, (y/n)," she whispered.

You turned to look at her. You couldn't read her that well in the dark, and her head was still down.

"Me too," you whispered back.

Cordelia turned to look at you. She placed her hand inside her coat pocket and pulled something out. She held her hand out and you saw the two frog rings laying softly in her hands.

Was this her way of turning you down?

"I was going to drop these in the ocean," she breathed. "To help me let go of her." She choked down a sob. "But I couldn't do it."

You didn't know what to say.

"What are you doing at the beach?" She asked you.

"I don't know." You said still in shock. "I felt compelled to run. And I kept running. Something was drawing me to the water."

Cordelia nodded.

You looked down at the rings in her hand. You took them from her and she looked at you suddenly with confusion.

"Don't drop them in the ocean," you said.

"But I want to let her go, and it's not like we can have a funeral for her."

"Don't drop them in the water." You grabbed her hand and slid the rings onto her fingers. "Honour her, Delia, she meant a lot to you."

She looked at you with shock as tears slid down her beautiful cheeks. She scooted closer to you and wrapped her arms around your neck. Her face buried into the crook of your neck and her tears stained your hoodie. You didn't know what to do except hug her back. Your fingers tangled in her untidy hair.

"She did mean a lot to me," she said after letting you go. She fiddled with the frogs on her fingers. "But not as much as you matter to me."

She slid a frog off of her finger and grabbed your hand. She slowly slid the frog onto yours.

"Delia?" You breathed.

"I'll miss Misty, but if I were to let you go, I would be even more broken."

A lump threatened to explode in your throat.

You couldn't contain it anymore. You placed a hand on her cool damp cheek.

"I love you so much." You said.

"I love you too. I never want to let you go." She said cupping your cheeks.

She pulled your face into hers and kissed you longingly on the lips. Soft and tender. Gentle and passionate.

The waves crashed harder onto the docks and Cordelia crashed harder into your heart.

You Belong to me (Cordelia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now