Myrtle's Advice

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TW: graphic violence and blood.

You wanted to make Cordelia proud. She deserved someone who could be better. You never really tried to work on the power you had, and instead worked on the basics. Like the seven wonders.
Although, you didn't know who to ask for help. You didn't want to ask the girls because they aren't that experienced, and you were doing it for Cordelia, so you didn't want to ask her.

Then you realized you could ask Myrtle. You headed towards the greenhouse and heard the distant sounds of a beautiful hum. When you opened the door you saw Myrtle standing in the middle of the room with her theremin. Her eyes were closed as she moved her hands carefully around the bars.

"What do you want, dear," Myrtle said with her eyes still closed.

"Oh, um, I was wondering if I could get your help?" You asked as you walked into the room.

"Depends on what it is." She sang.

"I was wondering if I could get your help with my powers."

Myrtle paused and opened her eyes.

"Does this have anything to do with Cordelia?"

"Wh- no of course not," you lied. "Why?"

"I would expect you to ask her, not me."

"Oh, well. To be honest. I feel bad that I haven't expanded my powers. I would love to figure it out on my own, but I can't."

"I see. And what is your special ability?"

"Well. I can make people feel pain with my mind. I can give them specific injures. The thing is, I cant always control it. If I get angry with someone, they get hurt."

"Well that certainly is interesting, and that would explain your calm demeanour."

"Can you help me?"

"Of course darling."

"Thank you so much!" You grinned.

"Take a seat," Myrtle said as she pulled out a chair for you to sit on around the table. "Have you ever realized that this power comes from negative emotions?"

"Of course I have," you said. "That's why I try so hard to stay calm."

"If you keep doing that you might have an anxious breakdown my dear."


"Yes. I recommend, when these negative emotions flare up, don't ignore them, but change them into a positive emotion. And don't just leave it there, see what powers come with these positive feelings."

"You're right, I've never thought about it that way before! Thanks Myrtle!"

"Anytime dear."

You ran out of the greenhouse.

You flung your bedroom door open to find Madison working on the same schoolwork she had that afternoon.

"Hey, Madison. Make me mad," you panted.

"Bitch, why?"

"Just do it," you begged.

"Okay fine, but you asked." Madison got off her bed and walked towards you. "You know, you act all innocent all the time,  but you're probably a stuck up bitch. You only care about yourself. Do you ever ask about me and Zoe? When's the last time you've talked to Queenie?"

You couldn't help, but feel thrown back. Madison wasn't lying, you really did feel this way sometimes.

"You're way to emotional sometimes. Who cares that Cordi probably had a crush on Misty. Mistys gone right? And she was annoying anyways. Always clinging onto Cordi."

You felt your face heat up, your lungs felt heavy. You took a deep breath and thought about what Myrtle said. Turn the negativity into positivity. Madison is just trying to help you, Misty is gone, Delia is your girlfriend.

"So what if they probably made out a few times." Madison said.

Your chest burned, and your heart ached. And then the unexpected happened.

You felt something pull down your back. Digging and grinding, scraping against your bones. You gasped.

"Madison- help-" you breathed.

You felt something warm pour out of your back and pool around your feet.

You looked at Madison. Her face was white and she was gaping at the floor.

You looked down and saw a pool of blood expanding around your feet.

Your head spun. Your back was pounding and your insides could feel the cool air around you. You started seeing stars around you as you felt your blood slowly drain from your face; until everything disappeared.

You Belong to me (Cordelia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now