Cordelia's room

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"Shit!" You yelled. You kept tugging on the door knob, but it wouldn't move.

"Is everything okay?" Cordelia was standing in her doorway.

"No, the bedroom door is locked. I think Zoe and Madison are asleep." You knew that wasn't the truth. You bet they were giggling in the corner of the room.

"You can sleep with me tonight," Cordelia said not realizing what that meant.

"Oh- Um, sure," you said scratching you head. "Thanks, Cordelia."

"Of course! You can borrow something of mine to wear tonight, so that you don't have to sleep in your clothes," Cordelia looked down your body. You felt suddenly self conscious.

You stood awkwardly by the door as Cordelia rummaged through her drawers. She pulled out a pair of black sweatpants and a large shirt.

"Here, I hope they are comfortable," she said and walked towards you.

"Thanks," you said awkwardly. Cordelia stood watching you. "Er, can I use your washroom?"

"Of course, it's just over there."

You headed to the washroom and closed the door behind you. You took a deep breath and slid down the door. After you stripped down and put on Cordelia's clothes, you opened the door.

"Hey Cordelia, where should I put my clothes? Oh! I'm sorry!!" Cordelia's shirt was off as she was still changing. "Shit!" You ran into the washroom and closed the door. Your heart raced and you could feel your pulse in your face.

"What the fuck! Arggg!" You yelled under your breath.

There was a knock on the bathroom door.

"Hey, you can come out now!" Cordelia laughed.

You opened the door and you were pretty sure your face was red. Cordelia was hunched over laughing.

"You should have seen your face!" She laughed harder. "Sorry I should have told you I was changing,"

You laughed with her, but your heart was still pounding.

"Come on, you can put your clothes on this chair."

You placed your clothes on the chair and turned around. Cordelia was laying in her bed and was fiddling her thumbs. You stood staring at Cordelia. You weren't sure what to do, and you felt like you were intruding a bit.

"Um, Cordelia? Where should I-"

"Oh, you'll just sleep in my bed with me, unless you would rather sleep on the couch downstairs," Cordelia sounded a little disappointed as she said the last part.

"It's okay, I can sleep in your bed," you said. "If I'm not intruding."

"You're not intruding, (y/n). I invited you," Cordelia smiled.

"Okay," you breathed.

You pulled back the covers with shaky hands, then you lay down next to Cordelia. You rolled over to look at Cordelia, who was looking at you.

"You're gorgeous," Cordelia said after a few moments of silence.

"No, haha, but thanks," you said awkwardly, not knowing how to take a compliment.

"Hey," Cordelia said and placed her hand on your cheek. "Yes you are, don't think otherwise," you felt a chill fall through your whole body.

"Thanks, Cordelia, but have you seen yourself?"

Cordelia laughed and you could see her cheeks blush in the moonlight.

You felt really hot under the covers, but you were too nervous to move. Cordelia didn't take her eyes off of yours.

"Remember when we were talking at the bar, by ourselves?"

"Yes," you breathed.

"I can't stop thinking about someone," she said.

"Oh?" You asked. You really didn't want to know who. She probably wasn't over Misty.

"Yeah," she said keeping her hand on your cheek.

"I'm sorry," you said finally.

"For what?" Cordelia asked.

"I know you had your eye on Misty, and now she's gone," you said feeling your eyes tear up.

"Misty." Cordelia sounded disappointed. "I didn't have my eyes on Misty."

"But you two were so close," you said, your voice trembling and a tear fell from your eyes.

"Hey.. shhhh," Cordelia said, and she cupped your cheeks. "It's not Misty,"

You placed your hand on top of hers. "No?"

"No," Cordelia said and she placed her forehead on yours. "I have my eye on someone, who may have their eyes on me, but are too scared to say something," you felt her breath on yours.

That's when it hit you. Cordelia didn't have her eye on just anyone, it was you.

"Cordelia?" You stuttered. She looked into your eyes longingly.

"Yes, (y/n)?" Cordelia said teasingly.

"I-," you collected your thoughts. "I think you're right,"

"Do you?"

Cordelia tilted her head and leaned into your lips. You felt hers touch yours, and they felt perfect together. You felt your body explode, and you couldn't believe how good her lips felt on yours.

You pulled away.

"Cordelia," you said and placed your hand on Cordelia's face. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that," you felt like crying you were so happy.

"Me too," she said still cupping your face.

You leaned into her this time. Her tongue pushed on your lips, and you opened them. Her tongue explored your mouth until you pulled away to catch a breath.

"I didn't know you felt like that for me," you said softly.

"I have for a while," Cordelia said.

She took her hands off your face and wrapped her arms around your waist and placed her head on your chest.

"Me too," you said.

"I know."

"Really? When did you know I liked you?"

"It was obvious. Your face when you found out Hank was my husband. I knew for sure that's how you felt when Hank suddenly got a paper cut."

"Oh, right," you laughed. "To be honest, I didn't know you liked me until a few minutes ago,"

"Really? I thought my flirting was obvious."

"Well, Madison and Zoe always tried to convince me that you liked me back,"

"I'm glad someone noticed," Cordelia laughed.

You rested your head on top of hers as you felt your eyes grow heavy.

You Belong to me (Cordelia x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum