Failed Revives

582 38 4

TW: suicide and blood

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" Madison yelled. She stared down at your body that lay motionless on the bedroom floor.

"Oh CRAP!" Madison held her hands over her head. "Cordelia's going to kill me!"

"Shit, shit, shit," Madison repeated as she stormed down the hallway.

Madison pounded on Cordelia's door. She pounded again after no answer.

"Cordelia!" She kept pounding and hitting the door. "Cordelia!" She cried. She pounded one last time before she fell on the floor sobbing.

"I'm sorry!" Madison cried. "I'm sorry, (y/n)," she sobbed quietly. Tears streamed down her face as she sat in front of Cordelia's bedroom door.

"What is going on out here!" Cordelia yelled as she flung the door open. "Madison?" Cordelia saw Madison sobbing on the floor. "What's going on?"

"I'm sorry, Cordelia!" Madison sobbed.

"Madison! What happened?!" Cordelia said. She felt a lump form in her throat.

"It's (y/n)! I think she's dead!" Madison stood up and tears were still falling down her face.

"What." Cordelia's head felt light and her heart stopped for a second. "No! Don't lie to me Madison!"

"I'm not!" Madison cried.

"Stop! This isn't funny!" Cordelia yelled as she felt tears pool around her eyes. "Where is she?! Tell me Madison!"

"In our room!"

Cordelia burst into the room and saw Zoe holding you in her lap. Your blood was pooled around your body and Zoe's knees.

"(Y/n)!!" Cordelia cried.

"Cordelia!" Zoe yelled. "Help her!" Tears were streaming down her face as she held your head.

"Zoe, move!" Cordelia yelled as she dove down beside you.

Zoe scrambled out of the way and stood at the door with Madison.

"No, no, no!" Cordelia sobbed. She hugged your limp body in her arms. She placed her head on your chest. "Shit! She has no heartbeat!"

Cordelias hands shook as she lay you back onto the ground in your blood.

"What happened to her!" Cordelia cried.

"She did it to herself! I don't know what happened!" Madison cried.

"What do you mean she did it to herself?!" Cordelia sobbed and cupped your face. "Tell me what happened!"

"I don't know! She ran into the room and asked me to make her mad!"

"What did you say to her!" Cordelia sobbed. She placed her forehead against yours.

"I don't want to tell you!" Madison cried. "It was awful."

"Madison! What did you say!"

"I told her..I said that she was a... stuck up bitch who only care about herself and-"

"And what Madison!"

"I know it was awful and it wasn't true!"

"And what Madison!" Cordelia begged.

"I didn't mean to make her upset! I was telling the hard truth! I told her that you were crushing on misty and that it didn't matter because she's dead! Mistys dead! She started taking these weird deep breaths and she was shaking. I decided to keep going and I told her that you and Misty used to make out! And then she started gasping and blood started dripping from her back and then she fucking died!"

Madison started crying again. Zoe looked at Madison with her mouth open, and Cordelia froze.

"She did it to herself..." Cordelia breathed. "She wanted to die?!" Cordelia cried. "Why would she want to do that?!" Cordelia sobbed and her tears landed on your face. Cordelia gently brushed her tears off your face. "I'm so sorry, (y/n). I'm sorry, this is my fault!"

"Are you going to bring her back?" Madison cried. "Bring her back Cordelia!"

Cordelia brought your face towards hers. She gently breathed in, and slowly let out her breath.

Your body was still limp in Cordelia's arms.

"Shit! What's happening! Why isn't she waking up!" Cordelia cried.

She gently breathed in again and slowly let out her breath. Once again you lay lifeless in her arms.

"No! What's going on!" Cordelia cried. Her arms shook under your body. "Please! Come back to me, love." Cordelia whispered. "Please I love you! You can't be dead! I just got you."

"Well, shit! Who's going to bring her back now? The supreme is broken," Madison said.

"Somebody get Myrtle!" Cordelia yelled.

"What on earth is going on? It's 1 in the morning!" Myrtle said as she entered the room with Zoe. "Oh my god," Myrtle paused at the door way.

"Myrtle help me!" Cordelia cried.

Myrtle ran over to Cordelia and kneeled next to her.

"Why aren't you reviving her, Delia?" Myrtle yelled.

"Don't you think I've tried!" Cordelia sobbed now cupping your face.

"Oh, Delia," Myrtle placed a hand on Cordelia's back. "Let me see her wounds."

Cordelia let go of your face and lifted your torso.

"Oh dear heavens!" Myrtle gasped.

There was a large gash on your back that continued to bleed out.

"Put her back down!" Myrtle yelled. "Her back! It has a large gash in it!"

"How is that possible?! I didn't see her stab her back!" Madison said.

"Oh no!" Cordelia signed. "(Y/n) was talking to me yesterday about her powers. Her powers of inflicting harm on people she's angry with." Tears started flowing out of Cordelia's eyes again. "Why was she so angry?" Cordelia sobbed.

"Oh, Delia," Myrtle wrapped her arms around Cordelia. Cordelia hugged Myrtle back and sobbed into her shoulder. "I'm afraid this my fault."

"What do you mean?" Cordelia's words were muffled.

"(Y/n) came to me in the late afternoon for some advice, so I gave it to her. She was asking how she could build on her powers. After I realized her powers were based off of negative feelings, I told her to change the negativity into positivity. And that she should build on the positivity to discover her higher powers."

"That's why she asked for my help," Madison whispered.

"Well you must have said something that made her so angry with herself, she either accidentally killed herself or did it on purpose," Myrtle said.

Cordelia let go of Myrtle. "Oh, (y/n). I'm so sorry, you were so young," Cordelia sobbed.

"Now, Delia, why can't you revive her?" Myrtle said placing her hand on Cordelia's back.

"I've tried! It's not working!" Cordelia cried and placed her hand on your face.

"Oh, dear. You're in love aren't you?"

Cordelia choked back a sob. She nodded her head slightly.

Myrtle tilted her head at Cordelia and rubbed her back. "Well that will do it, dear. I'm afraid, no matter how cliche it sounds, your powers have faded because of a broken heart."

"I should have told you, Myrtle," Cordelia said. "I love, (y/n), I always have, and now she's gone."

"Don't give up now, dear. Let me try."

Cordelia let go of your face and grabbed your hand. Myrtle leaned towards your face. She breathed in and slowly let out a long breath.

You Belong to me (Cordelia x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora