the dark masks

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Pharoah boy arrived at the museum grabbing his scroll.

Pharoah boy:ha since I finally have the scroll I can summon another pj pest from another dimension..but I can't just summon on version of them...*gasp*what about I summon a whole army of he laughed evily slowly then loudly.


Pharoah boy was walking to each mind control pj masks from different dimensions doing roll call.

Pharoah boy:ok roll call animal masks.which is the animal version of the pj masks as they made animal noises.

Pharoah boy:cowboy masks.the cowboy version.

Cowboy masks:YEEEHAA!!!

Pharoah boy:medieval masks.the medieval knight version

Medieval masks:here your majesty.

Pharoah boy:hehehe...anways pirate masks.the pirate he chuckled at what the medieval masks said.

Pirate masks:YO-HO!!!

Pharoah boy:robot robot versions of the pj masks.

Robot masks:*beeps*(here.).

Pharoah boy:the looney masks.which is like some kind of looney tunes cartoon version of the pj masks.

Looney masks:here.they said in cartoonish voices.

Pharoah boy:the very violent masks.which is the very very violent version of them.


Pharoah boy:comic masks.the comic book version of them they all said "here" inside a speech buuble.

Pharoah boy:and finally my personal favorite the Egyptian masks.

Egyptian masks:here pharaoh sir.

Pharoah boy:aww you guys flatter me but all of these different pjs are just goody goods I need evil ones so I don't have to mind control he gotten a idea than opened a portal than different versions of the pj masks walked out the portal.

The version of catboy suit was black and his stripes were white and owlette's version suit was purple and gekko's version suit was a dark green color.

Pharoah boy:who are you guys suppose to be..let me guess goody good heroes as well?

???:pssh us heroes don't be ridiculous mummy boy thing we are villains.catboy's evil version said.

Pharoah boy:finally I found the evil versions of the pjs.

???:what do you mean found evil version of the pjs?owlette's evil version said.

Pharoah boy:well I'm gathering a army of you guys from diffrent dimension to defeat the hero version of you three so will you guys help me defeat thise pj pests?

???:sure why not we gate goody good heroes.gekko's evil version said.

Pharoah boy:wait what are you names?

Night panther:I'm night panther that's dark owl and that's chameleon and we are the dark masks.

Pharoah boy:well I'm pharoah boy and from the world beyond and it looks like we are gonna spend time from the world beyond cause its gonna be daytime.

Dark owl:wait mummy boy we are joining this army but we are the boss and you don't tell us what to do.

Pharoah boy:its pharaoh boy but he rolled his eyes.

Chameleon:yeah so we are gonna be in the daytime to see the pj masks and what they really look like.

Pharoah boy:ok but to warn you they might have the monster versions of them with them so be careful.

Night panther:we know how to be careful mummy boy.

Pharoah boy:its*sighs*come on other pjs let's go and him and them ran in the sphinx.

Night panther:ok guys let's go and see they smirked evil and turned back into their daytime selfs with their pajamas on still.

Than they started to evil laugh as they exit the museum.

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