owlette vs dark owl

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Owlette walked into the space exhibit where there's rocket ships and planets.

Owlette:dark owl where are you?as she started to walk slowly than suddenly she heard a noise on her left.

She was looked to her left and seen nothing.

Owlette:where can you be...SUPER OWL EYES!!!as she was looking everywhere than dark owl sneakily flew behind her.

Dark owl:here...DARK OWL FEATHERS!!!as she shoot feathers at her.

Owlette:SUPER FEATHERED SHIELD!!!as she made a feather shield which protected her from the feathers.

Owlette:dark owl stop we're at the space exhibit these can fall easily and also break.

Dark owl:you think I care about these dumb models.as she suddenly got a idea and smirk evily.

Dark owl:if you care about than here catch them...DARK OWL FEATHERS!!!as she used her feathers to cut the strings off the planet models.

Owlette:SUPER OWL WINGS!!!as she caught all of planets and put them down.

Dark owl:ok impressive you can catch all those what about this...DARK OWL FEATHERS!!!as she used her feathers to cut the string to the big model of the sun.

Owlette:stop that!as she flew up abd caught the sun and quickly flew back down and put it time and was catching her breath.

Dark owl:why down already gosh your really weak for a hero version of me you really aren't cable of being a hero ha are you even cable of being a good girlfriend to your night panther aka catboy.as she started to evil laugh as owlette's eyes were wide as she clutched her fist.

Dark owl:anyways bye bye owlette...DARK OWL FEATHERS!!!as owlette was below a rocket ship as dark owl cut the strings with her feathers as it was about to land on her.

Owlette:SUPER OWL FEATHERS!!!as she made her feathers big to catch the rocket ship and moved them away from her.

Owlette:no one...says that...to...meas she looked at dark owl and flew up to her.

Owlette:you think I'm weak can a owl who's weak can do this...SUPER OWL WING WIND!!!as she made a strong wind breeze that push her back to the wall.

Owlette:SUPER OWL FEATHERS!!!as she tied her up with her feathers.

Dark owl:ha you think you can trap me in these feathers I can escape them easily.

Owlette:yeah onky whebyour awake though.

Dark owl:huh what does that suppose to mean?..as she seen owlette holding a planet model in her hand then she threw it at her face which knocked her out.


Owlette was dragging dark owl to the main area in the museum and seen gekko dragging chameleon.

Gekko:hey owlette you already took care of dark owl.

Owlette:yep we had alittle talk about relationships and I think she'll never bring it up again.

Gekko:anyways we should help catboy where is he anway?

Owlette:I think he went in the Egyptian exhibit.

Gekko:then let's go I'll hold on to chameleon and dark owl...wait where are they?as they noticed they're gone.

Owlette:I don't know they were just there?than suddenly someone grabbed both of them.

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