Part 13 ༒

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" is this the point where we get Pietro and I prove to them that you can help us right?" You asked as Lizzie came over.
She nodded her head " that's what I've been told. Also head up we have to be at makeup in like a minute so I'd suggest we go now"

You grabbed her hand and pulled her down but she pulled herself back up.
" come onn y/n" Lizzie smiled

" you guys are late again" Scarlett smirks.
" no." You stated at Scarlett knowing exactly what she was going on about.
You all got set up and started filming.

(This would be set as your Aurora btw and Lizzie is ofc Wanda but i would just said Wanda and Aurora)

Aurora and Wanda walked through the glass doors and she took Wanda down to the cell.
" pietro.."
his body slowly raised from the ground and made his way to the glass.

" I'm going to get you out of here" Aurora reassured him.

She put the code in and it beeped error.
" shitt... they changed it"
She looked to Wanda and grabbed her hand kissing it softly.
" stand back"
Aurora reached to Tony's mind through her energy flow and got the code.

She typed it in and it unlocked immediately.
Pietro sprung out and latched into his sisters arms.

The three of them turned around to the sight of Natasha, tony, Steve and Thor running down the stairs.

" lady' y/n." Thor nodded his head
" let's keep this simple. What the hell are you doing" tony raised his voice.
" saving him from your ass. He's not a bad person nor is Wanda"
Aurora wrapped her arm around wandas waist securely.
" here me out. They wanted revenge on you tony. Your prediction killed THEIR parents? Of course they wanted their revenge. Ultron said they would take down the avengers which included you? But they got it wrong ultron wants to destroy population. The world. And they know that. They could seriously help us. Please."
Tony sighed and shook his head " fine.. but if something goes wrong that's I-"
" no it's not it. If you do anything to Wanda I will-"
" okay okay. Y/n you have my word.. they can help us fight"
" oh and they are staying here with us. Pietro can have his own separate room. Wanda can stay with me if she wants"
Aurora and Wanda shared a smirk between the two of them and Wanda nodded her head.
" there is definitely something going on here- are you too together" Natasha furrowed her eyebrows.
" i—um no..." Aurora stumbled on her words....
" enough relationship talk and let's get on track" Steve comments.

" amazing once again guys" people shout from side.

" you two have alot of similarity's with them characters, your dating, sleep in the same bed, probably do things in the be-"
" don't even go further" you cut Scarlett off.

"Well I'm going to go get some sleep. It's like what. 3 am now" you said checking your time.

You flopped onto the couch and shut your eyes.
" carry me Lizzie" you slurred.
" well I can't exactly say no huh"
" nope"
She laughs and shakes her head before your resting in her arms.
Scarlett laughs and waves her bye.

Lizzie lay you down on the bed in her trailer and soon followed in after.
You cuddled into her arms and she kissed your head before the both of you dozed off....

Sorry I haven't updated- school is getting in my way nd other stuff but yh

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