Returning Home

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After wrapping up our journey into the dark tellings of historic buildings, towns, and businesses, we parted ways at the airport with Billy, Bacon, and Jay before beginning our long drive home. I had the chance to learn how to drive an RV, so the three of us could take turns driving cutting our drive shorter and allowing for everyone to have the appropriate amount of rest.

My excitement was palpable as we approached the familiar sights of Vegas, my new home. After I had decided that I was going to move, I was on a journey of my own and now being back in the city I realized it was rapidly becoming my comfort zone. I will admit, it is largely to do with Zak but I felt as though I had a community outside of my family members here which gave me a sense of independence and confidence. 

"Look, it's the beautiful smog of Vegas," Zak said sarcastically because it was shielding the skyline, only revealing the strip's flashy hotel as we drew closer to them but they remained slightly obscured until we drove down into the strip. 

Zak was driving during this stretch of the journey, and he decided to make a quick stop at the Haunted Museum before it was expected to open for the day. I was thrilled to visit the museum when it was empty, it held a special significance to me, being the sole reason Zak and I crossed paths. My mind wandered back to the strange events, I had been so drained of energy that I passed out during my tour, luckily waking to Zak standing over me. We have been inseparable since. That Museum may contain demonic objects but fate was working hard that day.

As we entered the museum, I felt the energy wash over me like a spider web, clinging to me. Crossing the threshold felt like entering another dimension, a portal to the unknown.

"To the basement?" Zak asked, his smile conveying his excitement. I nodded, but I noticed that Aaron wasn't behind us anymore.

"Where's Aaron?" I asked, worry overcoming me as I turned back to search for him, concerned that the museum's dark energy might have targeted him.

"He's outside smoking," Zak explained, taking my hand. "He'll know where to find us." He explained leading me toward the staircase. 

Descending into the basement, darkness consuming every pocket of light, I found myself unable to see Zak, I knew he was standing right beside me, mostly because he still held tightly onto my hand. Panic began to well up in me, I clutched our hands as if my tight grip could ward off any negative energies. Zak chuckled in reaction to my apparent panic, I heard a slight click, followed by a dim red glow providing me some visibility. I saw Zak smiling at me removing his hand from a light switch. "Next time you bring me into your dungeon of horrors, bring a flashlight," I said, my hand resting on my racing heart.

"Sorry, no one comes down here when I'm gone or without me. Besides, they do flashlight tours, so they don't turn on the lights often," Zak explained, rubbing my back while he moved toward his desk checking for reminders or notes the staff may have left for him. 

I moved around nervously, overwhelmed by the presence of the spirits residing in the basement. I leaned against Zak's desk, and his hand swiftly rubbed up my thigh with a little squeeze. He left his hand on my leg, he had a way of putting me at ease without me saying a word. I had been excited to explore the museum to revisit artifacts however, Zak's red-lit basement was creating an eerie atmosphere, paired with the strong entities surrounding drawing from my energy once again. I gave it everything I had to not let on that they were affecting me but I felt myself weakening. "I love the red ambiance, but it's still so dark down here. I wouldn't dare wander around," I said, trying to break the silence that was making me increasingly uncomfortable. I felt unseen eyes lurking around me, watching my every move. Zak clicked his tongue looking up from his notepad, "Has a lot happened?" I asked, Zak furrowed his eyebrow as he looked me up and down sensing my discomfort.

"Yeah, we'll have to check the cameras, I want to see what all we have evidence of happening," Zak said with a tone of excitement in his voice. He quickly masked his excitement standing from his chair. "I can check them tomorrow morning, for now, we can take off and get some rest." Zak placed a hand on each side of me on the desk leaning in close.

"We can stay as long as you'd like," I said, forcing a smile. 

"I can read you too well to know you don't mean that," Zak observed, with a laugh. "You hate this section of the museum. I can feel your nerves spiking." Zak planted a kiss on the top of my forehead. 

"Well, you're killing it at creating a space that causes anxiety," I joked, although my nerves were anything but a joke.

Zak leaned in, kissing me. "All better?" he whispered before planting a kiss on my neck, my anxiety almost completely dissipated. that is until a loud creak from the stairs startled me, I turned to see Aaron walking into the basement, he exaggeratively placed his hand over his eyes as a smirk curved across his lips.

"Is everybody decent?" he shouted with his thumb in the air.

Zak kissed my neck once more whispering, "Later," before clearing his throat. "Yeah, man, we're just reading through the experiences," Zak explained, taking the notebook in hand.

Aaron joined us on the opposite side of the desk to review the stories with Zak.

"Woah, did you read through this paragraph from Daphne?" Aaron exclaimed, pointing to a paragraph from the last page Zak flipped to in the journal. Zak quickly read over the encounter before looking at Aaron with the color draining from his face.

I grew curious and reached for the heavy book to understand their silence, but Zak stopped me by placing his hand on mine. With scrunched eyebrows, I looked at him, and he shook his head, indicating that I shouldn't read the book.

Zak then placed his forehead against mine and held my hand to his chest, I knew he was trying to comfort me as a distraction from trying to reach for the encounter story, I wanted to read it to be able to understand their reactions. Aaron, noticing my confusion, placed his hand on my shoulder as if to comfort me. What was written in that journal that had shaken Zak so profoundly? It was bad enough that Aaron was comforting me too, but what would an encounter from another visitor or employee have to do with me? 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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