Missing Pieces

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I awoke to find myself in a bed, separated from Zak. Glancing over, I observed him sleeping in a bed opposite mine. Questions raced through my mind. What had transpired? How did we find ourselves in this hotel room? Struggling to recall the events of the previous day, I realized my memory had gaps beyond preparing lunch. Shrugging off the covers, I approached Zak's bed. Gently sliding into the space beside him, I inched closer. His eyes fluttered open, revealing a mixture of confusion and, eventually, a blossoming smile.

"June!" He exclaimed with fervor, embracing me tightly. His enthusiastic response perplexed me, though I couldn't deny the warmth of his embrace. I pressed a kiss to his neck, a proximity-driven substitute for my lips. Though I couldn't decipher the reason behind his reaction, I hesitated to address it directly.

"What prompted this?" I queried, breaking the uneasy silence.

"Last night, you weren't yourself," Zak replied, his words implying more complexity, and causing me to brace for the possibility of unwelcome revelations.

"My memory is patchy," I admitted, holding him in a closer embrace.

"There's little to recollect," Zak reassured, easing my apprehension. His words brought immediate relief. Given my past encounters with malevolent spirits, I harbored concerns over their potential manipulation of my energy.

"I must admit, Zak, your decision to assign separate beds contradicts our usual sleeping arrangements. Is there something you're not sharing about last night?" I inquired, hoping to dissolve the lingering tension between us.

"You desired your space last night and given your apparent state, I obliged," Zak responded, yet his tone carried an air of withheld information. "I want to assure you of my love; that sentiment remains unwavering," Zak murmured, though I braced myself for an impending caveat. Instead, I was met with a deafening silence. 

"I am deeply in love with you," I declared, my admission carrying a raw vulnerability. This confession, an authentic sentiment I had never before expressed to anyone. Wrapped in each other's embrace, we drifted into slumber, finding temporary solace for my restless mind.

Sleep proved unwise, as my dreams rekindled scenes from the prior night. Instances, where I evaded Zak's touch, withdrew from his proximity, and even responded coldly to his conversations. As it played out before me I could feel my consciousness spiraling with guilt. I had allowed a malign specter to manipulate me into mistreating the one whom I have wholeheartedly fallen for. I yearned to awaken, desperate to banish the memory. Every recollection inflicted misery; observing the sorrow in Zak's eyes was unbearable. A looming peril hung over us, and I grappled with the realization that we were confronted with either peril or a dire fate.

     Startled awake by tears streaming down my cheeks, I glanced at Zak, who slumbered serenely beside me. Regulating my breathing, I brushed away the tears. The malevolent force I had unwittingly welcomed into my life had manifested in ways I hadn't anticipated. The love of my life was at risk, and my culpability weighed heavily on my heart. This pain was excruciating, my chest constricting as I observed Zak's peaceful repose. The truth was undeniable, the darkness that clung to me would inevitably inflict suffering. It had targeted Zak, perhaps aiming for his vulnerability, due to his increasing presence deterred its manipulation of my mind. I recognized the severity of my error; I had introduced this malignancy into our lives. But Zak should not bear the consequences of my youthful misjudgment. My affection for him was profound; I couldn't bear to see him harmed. While I yearned for a conventional life, I knew it was elusive unless I could sever ties with this malevolence. Only then could I shield Zak from harm's way, for now, I must protect him from myself. 

                                                                               THE EVIDENCE 

Billy urgently contacted Zak, conveying the need for us to make haste to his room. A sense of foreboding gripped my stomach, reluctant to confront the events of the investigation and desperate to block out the memories of the previous night weighed heavily on me; I wasn't sure if I could handle any further revelations. We reached Billy's room, and as Zak knocked on the door, A wave of apprehension enveloped me as Billy welcomed us into the room, guiding us toward the array of monitors he had meticulously set up. To shield myself from the stark reality of the previous night, I absentmindedly twirled strands of my hair, bracing myself for the impending revelations that the footage would unveil.

"You wouldn't believe the series of events from last night," Billy chuckled. Thoughts of Aaron surfaced, reminding me that we had spent a significant portion of the night together. I soon felt anxious about our interactions throughout the night and I hoped I hadn't treated my dear friend poorly.

"Nothing too extreme, I hope?" I asked with a hint of anxiety, attempting to reassure myself.

"Both you and Aaron encountered some intense activity," Billy revealed, his eyes wide with astonishment. I bit my lip, wishing Aaron were present to confirm that I hadn't behaved inappropriately.

"Can you elaborate, Billy?" Zak's tone grew tense, his concern palpable.

"See for yourselves," Billy responded, clicking a few buttons to present a clearer view of the video on the monitor. To my shock, a full-bodied apparition materialized behind me as Aaron conducted an EVP session. Relief washed over me as I realized that while I had been influenced to some extent, the spirit had mostly drawn energy from me. On a positive note, I thought to myself, my distressing experience supplied the team with substantial evidence. Billy guided us through the standard array of orbs and shadows before turning his attention to the EVP files. A sparkle danced in his eyes as he prepared to share a significant discovery.

"Now, brace yourselves for what you are about to hear, this audio was captured on the digital recorder," Billy said, his smile portraying his excitement. He turned back to the monitors, pressing play on a highlighted section. A deep, low whisper emanated from the speakers, its words eluding clear understanding.

"What is it saying?" Zak leaned in, intent on deciphering the cryptic message.

"I can't be sure; it sounds like another language," Billy exuded enthusiasm. Meanwhile, fear continued to gnaw at me. I hadn't been under the influence of a malevolent spirit, but rather a demon.

"Can you make out any other comprehensible phrases?" I inquired, striving to conceal my trepidation.

"Yes, a few distinct ones, I'll enhance them for you to take a listen. However, I will warn you, this one is particularly intriguing," Billy explained, pausing to prepare a sound file. Then, he turned to us, his gaze fixed on me. "Are you ready for this?" he asked, and I swallowed hard, beads of sweat forming as I nervously nodded. Leaning in, I strained to catch every nuance of the forthcoming revelation.

"June...leave...he wants you," the eerie voice whispered through the speakers. Tears welled in my eyes, and I shifted my gaze to the window.

"Where was this voice captured?" I inquired, fighting to maintain my composure.

"In Zak's room, during an EVP session he insisted on conducting last night," Billy replied, replaying the EVP. "But there's more," he added, and a wave of nausea engulfed me. I bit down on my lip as I listened, my ears capturing the most shocking and terrifying words that had ever crossed my imagination.

"He wants you..." "Hide." the two distinct voices warned before Zak's EVP session descended into silence. 

My entire body trembled, teetering on the brink of collapse, as a deep quiver coursed through me. Not only had the events of the previous night eluded my conscious memory during the actual investigation, but I now learned that Zak had deemed it necessary to conduct an EVP session in our room while I was incapacitated. When had he surreptitiously passed the recorder to Billy for its contents to be reviewed this morning? Despite Zak's attempts to reassure me that nothing significant had transpired the previous night, a growing suspicion began to creep in that he might be shielding me from the full truth of the events that had unfolded. I held a conviction that I had undergone a minor possession, which perhaps had consequences beyond my apparent avoidance of his proximity.

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