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I want to start by saying thank you to everyone who is reading my story. There are a few surprises ahead! Enjoy!

Today, Zak was scheduled to return home to manage tasks related to their recent investigation before the team embarked on their next location. As I lay in his embrace, I was aware that the moment he woke up would signal the start of our day. While the hours spent together in bed were blissful, a sense of worry occasionally crept in. Having experienced the shattering of trust and intimacy in a previous relationship, the fear of history repeating itself gnaws at my insides. The anxiety of facing the same heartache, coupled with the realization that my connection with Zak is profoundly stronger and deeper than I ever envisioned, becomes a turmoil within me. A gentle movement of his hand down my back alerted me to his wakefulness. Shifting my cheek against his chest, I looked up at him to find his drowsy gaze upon me.

"Good morning," he greeted with a touch of grogginess.

Seizing the opportunity, I moved to kiss him briefly before rising from the bed to put on a robe. Playfully, Zak's hands tugged at the back of my robe, eliciting a giggle from me. As I tied the front of the robe, I sat on the bed beside him and ran my fingers through his hair. Despite the short duration of our acquaintance, a familiar warmth pervaded our interactions, and a profound connection seemed to have been swiftly established, one that I was both embracing and apprehensive about.

Emerging from my bedroom, my attempt to begin cooking breakfast was quickly thwarted by Zak's emergence from the bathroom. His playful demeanor led him to pull me into his embrace, our bodies pressed together in a playful tangle. The knot of my robe was effortlessly undone, and the fabric slipped down to my ankles. It became evident that Zak's intentions were clear: he wanted me to join him, and any thought of cooking breakfast, while he showered, was discarded. Yielding to his playful insistence, I embraced the moment and stepped into the shower with him. 

With Zak's arms snaked around me we prepared breakfast, occasionally trading control as we flipped French toast and scrambled eggs. The balcony beckoned with its sunlit allure, and despite the lingering chill in the air, the vibrant foliage that painted the surrounding forest created a picturesque backdrop. Engaging in conversation, we centered our discussions around the forthcoming investigation. Zak's encouragement resonated as he proposed the idea of my joining the investigation before fully committing to the road trip of inquiries.

"Aaron is genuinely excited about your involvement," Zak asserted, hoping to sway my decision to join their team.

"I haven't completely left my current job, as I'm still in the process of finding a place in Vegas," I offered as a partial explanation, although I knew it wasn't a solid excuse.

"Your presence on investigations isn't dependent on your immediate relocation to Vegas," Zak replied, foreseeing my response.

Curiosity piqued, I inquired about the location of their next investigation, hoping it would provide a valid reason for my potential absence.

"We'll be heading to Utah, specifically the Mountain Meadows Massacre site," Zak revealed.

While I hoped for a more sinister and terrifying setting, I recognized the significance of the site and found it difficult to decline based on location alone. Despite my reservations about becoming part of a televised endeavor, Zak's assurances and the appeal of participating in something extraordinary weighed on my mind.

"I think I can manage Utah," I agreed, although a hint of anxiety lingered.

"Perfect. We'll make the necessary arrangements for your involvement. The team will be thrilled to have you on board," Zak stated as he drew his chair closer to mine.

As we concluded our breakfast conversation, the need for Zak to depart and catch his flight was inescapable, and bidding farewell was accompanied by an increased sense of difficulty compared to our initial separation in Vegas. 

Due to the compact size of our local airport, I was able to escort Zak to his gate. Our final moments were punctuated by a series of kisses, each ending only to lead into another. The impending departure filled the air with a blend of excitement and melancholy. As Zak's flight was called to board shortly, I stood by, observing the process with a mix of bittersweet sentiments.

"Are you Anne's daughter?" the female airline employee inquired, diverting my attention from the departing Zak.

Confirming my identity, I maintained my gaze on Zak, who had turned his attention toward me. Our eyes met, and he had a longing in his expression that was palpable, mirrored by my own desire for a few more fleeting moments together. Before he handed over his boarding pass he approached me once more, he lifted me off the ground upon reaching me. Our lips met with a sense of urgency, encapsulating the essence of our connection. This electrifying moment epitomized the vitality that our bond brought to both of our lives. As Zak's departure neared, his parting words echoed in my mind, "Why is it so hard for me to leave?" He had whispered against my lips. In response, I kissed him once more. 

The admission of his emotions and his evident attraction to me left me speechless, overwhelmed by the rapid and exhilarating progression of our relationship. Zak's words from the night before reverberate in my mind. "I have never felt this way before, and you had me under your spell in no time at all." The astonishment in his voice mirrored my own sentiments. We were under each other's spells, guiding us into uncharted territories. I couldn't help but acknowledge that my life had found its missing piece. love requires no extended timeline to be ignited, this was not to be mistaken for lust. 

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