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Zak's POV:

In the aftermath of June discovering she had hit me, there was a palpable shift in her energy. She became exceedingly cautious around me, maintaining her distance and occupying herself by scribbling in her journal while sitting near Aaron. Recognizing her need for space during what seemed to be a "lockdown hangover," I decided to give her the room she required.

My thoughts wandered back to the events of the previous night, as I recalled June's trembling body while she recounted the violent occurrences. The vacant look in her eyes when she struck me resonated with a darkness I knew all too well - Poveglia Island.

Deep in contemplation, I dwelled on June's revelations. The demon she believed plagued her life felt eerily familiar to me, almost as though I had a connection to it. A creeping suspicion nagged at me, suggesting that it might be the same malevolent entity that had inspired the design of my back tattoo.

This demon had relentlessly interfered with my life and that of countless others during our explorations of various dark and haunted locations. A chilling realization dawned on me - it seemed like June and I shared a common adversary, as if this vile entity were leeching off both of us, draining our vitality and well-being. The question that gnawed at me was how we could support each other when we were entangled in a shared battle against the same evil force.

"June," I said gently, breaking the silence and pulling her attention away from her journal. She met my gaze with a fragile half-smile.

"Yes, Zak?" Her voice trembled, revealing the emotional turmoil she was wrestling with.

"Could we step aside for a moment?" I inquired, becoming acutely aware that the collective gaze of our companions now rested upon us.

"Of course," June replied softly, standing. Her expression betrayed discomfort, likely stemming from the attention she believed was directed at her due to the events of the previous night. She was right to think that everyone was watching, but our concern for her transcended judgment. We cared deeply about her well-being, and that concern was shared by all of us.

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