Demonic Clash

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After preparing a comforting homemade soup to warm us up after our rainy escapade, we took turns showering to unwind before bedtime. I graciously allowed Zak to shower first while I tidied up after dinner. Although he insisted on helping with the cleanup, I insisted that he relax. Once he was finished, I suggested that he pick a movie for us to watch, providing me with ample time for a quick shower. I found myself hurrying through the shower like never before, managing to finish in just 15 minutes. As I stepped out, I quickly wrung the water out of my hair, attempting to style it somewhat.

Standing before the foggy mirror, I debated whether to apply makeup or go natural. Opting for the latter, I subtly curled my eyelashes to enhance my eyes. As I hurriedly finished, I realized that I had forgotten to bring a change of clothes. My dilemma was that my bedroom was separated from the bathroom by the living room area, leaving me momentarily pondering my options. I ran my fingers through my hair in an attempt to improve its appearance before confidently opening the bathroom door.

With a firm grip on my towel, I stepped into view, revealing myself to Zak. He turned his attention to me, a warm smile gracing his lips. Resisting the urge to feel self-conscious, I smiled back and walked casually into my room. Once out of sight, I quickly retrieved a comfortable pajama set – baby blue shorts and a bubble gum T-shirt with baby blue writing. I hung my towel on the door to dry, briefly assessing my reflection in the full-length mirror. Content with my appearance, I proceeded to Zak, who was wearing dark blue shorts and a black T-shirt.

"Ready to watch this?" Zak inquired, gesturing for me to join him on the couch.

"Am I going to regret letting you choose the movie?" I quipped, settling down beside him. I reached for a folded blanket draped over the back of the couch covering my lap and offering a corner to Zak. Nestling against his side, I leaned into his chest, allowing him to wrap his arm around me. The warmth of his body caused me to begin drifting. 

"I assure you, I have excellent taste in movies," Zak chuckled, pressing play on the movie.

We gradually succumbed to sleep, only to awaken as the credits rolled. I sensed Zak's head resting heavily on mine, and I attempted to shift without waking him. However, my efforts proved futile as his eyes fluttered open, his lips curving into a mischievous smirk.

"See, great movie," he teased, reaching for the remote to turn the movie off. He leaned in, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"I can't say I remember much of it," I admitted with a soft laugh before rising from the couch and heading to the kitchen. "Would you like some water?" I offered, retrieving my water jug from the fridge.

"Yes, I'll have a glass," Zak replied, following me into the kitchen. I poured him a glass of water and handed it over, and he expressed his gratitude before taking a sip. As he drank, I found myself observing him, captivated by his presence. I sipped my water, glancing over the rim of my glass, my gaze lingering on his features. There was an undeniable allure about him that seemed to radiate more strongly that night.

"Do you happen to have an extra pillow I could use?" Zak's request broke my reverie, and I giggled at the thought. However, there was no way I would allow him to sleep on the couch.

"There's an extra one in my bed; you can sleep with me," I chuckled, my amusement evident.

Zak's hesitation was apparent as he entered the room, his eyes searching mine for confirmation. He slowly made his way over, uncertainty still in his gaze. I patted the bed beside me, offering a reassuring smile.

"There's plenty of room," I reassured him, laughter evident in my voice.

Zak slipped under the covers, positioning himself on his side to face me. He extended an arm, gently rubbing my arm as I inched closer, resting my head against his chest. I draped my right arm over his side, my hand moving in a soothing pattern along his back. The rhythmic motion, combined with the warmth of Zak's embrace, lulled me into a peaceful slumber.

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