Just A "Normal" Night

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Zak and I lay together, gazing into each other's eyes. The intimacy we had experienced tonight was deep and pure, and we were in a state of adoration. I kissed Zak's nose while stroking his hair. He ran his fingers gently along my side, his hand resting in a cupped shape on my shoulder. The anticipation and desire that had built up throughout the day didn't disappoint.

"What time is it?" I asked, suddenly remembering that we had a whole crew that would need a ride to the hotel soon.

"2 a.m.," Zak answered, brushing his hand across my chest.

I wished we could stay like this for the rest of the night, but we had to drive the crew to the hotel before we could properly enjoy our alone time.

"Do you think we should check on the guys?" I suggested, remembering the rowdy bunch they were surrounded by.

"Eh, they can handle themselves," Zak laughed, connecting his lips with mine. The desire between us was strong, and I didn't want to leave the bed.

"We should pull them away from the bar so we can get to our room," I suggested, trying to convince Zak.

Zak groaned but kissed me before reluctantly getting out of bed to dress himself.

"I'll go round them up. You can stay in here. I'm sure whoever is still at the bar at 2 a.m. has got to be extremely hammered," Zak laughed as he walked toward the front of the bus.

"I know half of them is our crew!" I joked and received a laugh from the distance. I heard the door open and slam shut. I quickly dressed myself and leaned against the wall, biting my lip. I was so grateful that Zak and I had crossed paths. He was everything I ever wanted and more.

I heard Aaron outside the bus, slurring his words as he approached.

"Hello, Juney," he slurred as he stumbled past me.

"Hello," I laughed as he collapsed onto the couch.

"You're sure lucky you've been in the bus," Aaron mumbled.

"Why's that?" I asked, curious about what he meant.

"I walked out and waited outside the bus for the two of you to unlock the door," Aaron said, squinting his eyes. My face flushed red, as I hadn't thought anyone would come to the bus yet.

"That bunch in there is crazy. They were mocking us for being in all black and baggy clothes, calling us goth freaks," Aaron said as he hugged a pillow.

"Why aren't the rest of the guys outside the bar then?" I asked, becoming worried about what Zak was walking into.

"They brawled," Aaron giggled.

"Billy and Jay?" I asked, biting my lip with concern.

"Yes, ma'am. That one big gruff dude came over and pushed Jay's head forward. Jay ignored it at first until the guy came back and knocked Jay's beer out of his hand. The beer bottle broke as it hit the ground, so Jay told him to buzz off. The gruff dude then got in Jay's face and threw a punch, but he only got Jay's chest. Jay had had it, so he threw a punch back," Aaron explained, a grin forming on his face. "Clocked him in the jaw," Aaron laughed, shaking his head. "I was out of there at that point, but I heard Billy hollering, 'Back off, man.' No one else seemed to get involved in the fight, but I wouldn't be surprised if it got worse."

I furrowed my brow and bit my thumb nail. I knew that my presence wouldn't magically stop the fighting, but I hated standing back when I knew Zak could be in danger.

"Did you see the gruff man's friends walk over to Billy and Jay?" I asked, still worried.

"Nah, but Bacon was on his way over to break it up. I was just getting the spins and had to get some air," Aaron confessed.

"You shouldn't drink so much!" I teased, pulling at the ends of my hair.

"It's a good thing Zak had to leave though. Those guys in there were being vulgar about you," Aaron mumbled, his voice growing sleepier.

"You could hear them?" I asked, my body trembling.

"Yep, they weren't being quiet about it," Aaron yawned.

My stomach turned at the thought of being there to hear it for myself. I didn't want to know what they had said. My heart pounded so hard that I could feel it in my ears, and my palms became sweaty as I saw stars. I had gone into a panic attack. I took a step toward the bus door when I heard a loud bang as the bar doors slammed open and the noise of the three large men who had walked out. I ran to the window and saw Zak pulling Billy out of the door, followed by Bacon holding Jay. I was relieved to see that Zak had no visible injuries on his face.

Zak looked over and saw me. He quickly turned back to the bar's entrance, where the three men were approaching. He glanced back at me with a worried expression. He didn't need to yell commands at me unless the situation was serious. I nodded, and he turned to run back to the bus.

"Run back to the bus and start it, please!" Zak demanded. I ran back to the bus and jumped into the driver's seat, revving the engine. I looked out the dashboard window and saw the three men catching up to the crew as they approached the bus. I ran to open the door and pulled Billy away from Zak's grip before grabbing a hold of Zak.

"They are approaching the bus," I whispered, taking Jay's hand and helping him inside. I was too distracted to notice his swollen eye. I looked back and took in Billy's appearance, seeing that he had a bloody lip and nose.

Zak pushed past Bacon as he stepped inside the bus, meeting the three men at the door. They looked beyond Zak and directly at me. One snarled, and the other chuckled.

"Go back inside, guys," Zak spoke, making himself a barrier between the strangers and our home on wheels.

"You don't get to stir up trouble around here and leave when you want," the guy in the middle slurred, spitting his chew to the side.

"We weren't looking to cause trouble. We're leaving, and we won't be back," Zak explained, trying to keep a calm tone and maintain peace.

"Where'd you come from, pretty boy? If you'd been inside during the fight, you wouldn't be looking the way you do," the stranger said, and I couldn't help but fixate on his clenched fists.

Zak took a small step back, creating space between him and the men so they couldn't hit him.

"I was getting some air, and I came and pulled my buddies out as soon as I heard a ruckus. We just want to get on our way. I apologize for the violence, but we don't want to cause any further trouble," Zak explained, taking another step back.

"You were probably having some fun with that little piece there," the guy on the right spoke up, nudging his buddy and pointing at me.

"Yeah, I bet she's a fun time," the man who did most of the talking added.

"Come on, have some respect, don't talk about her that way

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