The Investigation

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I arrived at Las Vegas Airport and was met by the entire crew. Aaron was brimming with energy and joy upon seeing me; he greeted me with a warm hug. Aaron led me into the RV where Zak was engrossed in a phone call, discussing interview difficulties. Despite his focused demeanor, Zak managed to smile and mouth a greeting to me. He seemed displeased with whoever was on the other end of the call. I placed my bag down and settled onto the couch across from Zak. As we embarked on our journey to the location, the RV's engine roared to life.

"Are you excited for your first investigation?" Dakota inquired as he took a seat beside me.

"I'm a bit nervous, not so much about encountering ghosts, but more about being on camera," I admitted, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

Zak stood up and walked to the back of the RV to continue his call. His professionalism while working impressed me, and I appreciated his ability to stay focused. I felt optimistic that working together wouldn't cause any conflicts.

"You'll get used to talking to the camera. It becomes comforting when you're alone," Dakota reassured me.

"Let's hope I have a natural knack for it," I joked, eliciting laughter from the group.

"I'm thrilled to have a female presence joining us on these investigations again," Aaron chimed in, sipping his coffee.

"I'm also excited to get an exclusive behind-the-scenes experience with the Ghost Adventures Crew," I added, a playful wink accompanying my words.

"I believe you'll fit in perfectly here," Billy commented, his compliment resonating with me, as I had never truly felt like I belonged to any group before. 

"So, what are the sleeping arrangements?" Aaron jokingly asked.

His jest made me blush, and I laughed to conceal my embarrassment. The rest of the crew raised their eyebrows, joining in the laughter.

"Leave her alone," Zak interjected, emerging from the back of the RV.

Now off the phone, his demeanor had shifted, revealing his underlying stress about show-related matters. He took a seat away from the couch due to the others seated next to me taking up the available seating so I joined him, prompting teasing remarks from the others.

"Oooh," Aaron, Billy, and Dakota chimed in unison.

I shook my head, settling onto Zak's lap as he wrapped his arms around me. Amid the banter, I sensed that I was integrating into the team as well as one could hope to.

"Should we give you two a moment?" Dakota quipped, standing playfully.

Zak rolled his eyes, ignoring Dakota's comment, while Aaron laughed and Billy added his own jest. Zak seemed to hold back from overt displays in front of the others setting the expectations for our interactions during these investigations. 

"Let's be mature here, shall we? Have you gotten all the teasing out of your system?" Zak's annoyance was evident in his tone.

I ran my hand soothingly along his arm, attempting to alleviate his irritation. Our eyes met, and a smile passed between us, a shared moment of understanding. I could sense his desire to kiss me, but we both restrained ourselves in the company of the crew.

"But on a serious note, I'm genuinely glad you've become a part of our lives," Aaron remarked, his words carrying a lighthearted nod to the incident at the Museum. I rose from the chair to retrieve my smaller bag, revealing a surprise I had prepared for each member of the crew. Homemade peanut butter bars with peanut butter icing accompanied beanies I had sewn, each featuring an intricately stitched ghost. Each beanie is a different color to match the crew's individual styles: gray for Aaron, dark blue for Billy, deep wine red for Dakota, and dark green for Jay. I had made Zak a black and red one, and even Bacon received an orange beanie. The bars were wrapped in a bag adorned with ghost motifs, while the beanies were wrapped in a cross-patterned paper, aiming for a more subtle touch. I was simply thrilled to be a part of the team and wanted to express my gratitude.

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