Dinner from Hell

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I unpacked my belongings, starting a load of laundry to prepare for the upcoming week. While my clothes were washing, I took a quick shower, washing my hair and shaving. I finished my shower when I heard my cell phone ringing. I quickly wrapped a towel around myself and rushed to my room, where my phone was charging. My excitement faded as I saw that it was Ally's name on the screen, not Zak's.

"Hello," I answered, dabbing my hair with a small towel.

"Hi Iris, I wanted to pick you up for dinner tonight so we can talk about your trip. When do you think you'll be ready?" Ally's voice took me by surprise.

" Well, I just got out of the shower," I paused, calculating the time I needed. "Give me 45 minutes," I responded, tossing my towel onto the bed.

"I also wanted to give you a heads-up, Andrew and his parents are joining family dinner tonight," Ally warned, anxiety seeped into my stomach. Small towns and their uncomfortably old wounds you can't hide from.

"Thanks for informing me," I said, making my way to the closet. I pulled out a pair of dark blue, tight-fitting jeans and placed them on the bed. Grabbing underwear from the dresser. 

"I've got your back," Ally laughed.

"I'll see you in a bit." I hung up before Ally could attempt to get into it further. 

I selected my gold tank top with black lace detail from a hanger and carried it with me to the bed. After slipping on a strapless cover, I put on the tank top. I wiggled into my jeans before turning my attention to shoes. I wasn't dressing to impress Andrew, I was dressing how I always dress, I decided to go with a pair of my plain black flats, slipping into them.  I hoped for Zak's call while I chaotically applied light foundation. 

As I was finishing up my hair I was pulled out of my trance-like state of mind by a knock at my front door.

"Come in," I hollered, assuming it was Ally. 

"Don't take too long; Steve is waiting in the car," Ally informed me, stepping inside. 

"I'll be quick. I am just grabbing my phone and a sweater," I replied over my shoulder. I snatched a black sweater from the closet shelf, draping it over my forearm. "Ready!" I exclaimed sarcastically as I picked up my keys and stuffed them into my pocket. Ally and I exited my apartment, descending the stairs, and while my stomach churned, I couldn't discern whether it was due to the upcoming dinner with the Keslers or my anticipation of Zak's call.

"Before you get upset with Mom, you should know that Dad invited Mr. and Mrs. Kesler without the knowledge of Andrew being in town. He's visiting for a job." Ally explained before we entered Steve's car. 

"You do not have to worry about me, I haven't seen him since he left so tonight will be the first time in years, that's why I am not looking forward to dinner." I shrugged, settling into the back seat. "Hi Steve, it's good to see you." I greeted, buckling my seatbelt.

"You too, Iris," Steve replied, offering a warm smile through the rear-view mirror.

We arrived at my parents' barn-style home, where I was met with a sense of nostalgia mixed with trepidation. I still had not received a call from Zak which is adding to my anxieties however, Ally interrogating me about Vegas helped keep my nerves at bay. Ally and Steve held hands walking in front of me and approaching the house. Steve waited, holding the door for me, I stepped inside, taking in the familiar surroundings. Uncertain as to whether the Keslers had arrived, I stumbled into the kitchen and greeted my parents who were busy preparing dinner. 

"Are Kate and the kids here already?" I inquired, eager to see my nephews.

"Yes, they're in the backyard," my mom replied giving me a quick kiss on the cheek while vigorously stirring a pot.

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