My Darkness

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The EVP that filled me with terror was accompanied by a chilling warning bearing my name. Allow me to share a story that I have kept locked away until now. As I spoke, I shifted closer, nestling into Zak's lap. His gaze remained fixed on me, full of intent.

During my high school years, I endured relentless bullying that pushed me into a dark abyss. To escape the daily stress, I sought solace in the woods behind my family's home, a place I often visited to clear my mind. One fateful day, amidst the fallen leaves of autumn, I stumbled upon an Ouija board. It beckoned to me, as though it held a strange allure only I could perceive. I picked it up and ventured deeper into the woods, deciding to experiment with it. At that time, I was oblivious to the dangers of using such a tool alone." Zak's hand rose, resting gently on my knee.

"I began by asking routine questions, inquiring about any deaths in the woods or the presence of spirits. Initially, as expected, the planchette remained motionless. Just as I contemplated leaving, it suddenly moved to 'yes.' Strangely, instead of fear, I felt an intense fascination. As I continued my questions to the spirit I had contacted, the planchette started tracing the figure-eight pattern. I recoiled, realizing I was enveloped in complete darkness, with my mother frantically calling my name. It might seem logical to attribute this to ZoZo, the entity I blame for my torment, but this demon is far more obscure and relentless. I didn't immediately notice anything amiss, but soon, subtle disturbances began." The painful memories surged back, memories of every scratch and bruise I had to conceal.

"June, none of this is your fault. You were targeted during a vulnerable time. Few truly comprehend the power of demons, and that's what I aim to elucidate and protect against. We must find a way to shield you from what stalks you," Zak reassured me, his words offering comfort.

"How do you propose we do that? I've tried to rid myself of this entity, but it returns with even greater force," I admitted, feeling like a burden to Zak and his team.

"Have you considered seeking an exorcist's help?" Zak inquired, lifting my chin with a gentle touch.

"No, I haven't reached out for help because I was too ashamed to confide in anyone."

"I have a close friend who can assist. I'll make a call," Zak said, leaning in to kiss me.

I marveled at the unexpected turn my life had taken. How had this angelic figure chosen me? Whatever had drawn him to me that day at the museum, I felt immense gratitude. Our moment of bliss was interrupted by a knock at the door. I rose to answer it, feeling a gentle tug on my hand. Zak had reached for it, standing beside me. There was something empowering about Zak holding my hand; it dispelled all my insecurities.

Hand in hand, we reached the door, and I turned the knob to reveal the visitor. It was Aaron, wearing a grin.

"Hello, June. I wanted to make sure you're all right," Aaron said, his smile shifting between Zak and me.

"Thank you, Aaron. I'm doing fine," I replied, forcing a swift smile. It seemed I could no longer hide my inner turmoil.

"You were saying last night how something felt off, and you even slapped Zak when he tried to help you sit down..." Aaron's words trailed off, reacting to the expression on my face. My eyes widened as I looked up at Zak. He licked his lips and sighed.

"I did what?" I asked, my gaze unwavering from Zak.

"You were in a different state," Aaron continued. "You were not acting like yourself at all. I just wanted to make sure there were no lingering effects, considering we spent a lot of time together last night and I noticed the inner struggle you were going through. After that EVP session, Bill shared with everyone what I..." Zak cleared his throat and shot Aaron a stern look. Aaron immediately fell silent, his eyes reflecting concern for me.

"I believe something was affecting me severely last night, but I'm feeling better this morning," I lied.

"Thank you for checking in, Aaron," Zak stated firmly, indicating that it was time for Aaron to leave.

"Yeah, always looking out for family," Aaron said, smiling at me and then turning to Zak. "We're getting ready to go, so just let us know when you're ready." Aaron swiftly departed.

I closed the door and turned to Zak. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, overwhelmed with regret. How could I have hurt him?

"It wasn't you," Zak replied, making his way over to the couch and sinking down.

"I hurt you. That's serious," I said, slowly approaching the couch and sitting on the coffee table across from him, my forearms resting on my knees.

"I'm okay. There's no lasting damage. It wasn't a particularly hard slap. I didn't say anything because I knew you'd blame yourself," Zak reassured me. He was the most important person in my life, and I had hurt him deeply. If I couldn't control this attachment, what would happen next? It had never compelled me to harm anyone before. Why was Zak the target of this demon's aggression? Could the demon be aware of Zak and his mission? Zak possessed a commanding presence among spirits, purifying places from evil; perhaps that was why the demon lashed out at him. I couldn't allow this to happen again. I didn't know how, but I was determined to fight with everything I had. 

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