Returning Home

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I awoke to a continuous ringing, groggily, I opened my eyes feeling around to silence the obnoxious tone. I silenced the brooding sound revealing a new text message. The message contained a sunrise picture with the words 'Good morning.'

Not having saved Zak's number yet, I presumed it was him. A smile crept onto my face as I reminisced about the events of the previous day. 'Good morning, did you sleep well?' I typed, my fingers dancing across the screen.

sleepily getting out of bed, I dialed my mom's number. "Hello?" her voice came through the phone as I pulled on my pants.

"Hi, Mom," I loudly spoke tossing the cell phone on my bed after pressing the speakerphone function.

"How was meeting Zak? Were you with him the whole day?" My mom's curiosity was evident, and she clearly wanted all the juicy details.

"Yes, we spent the entire day together. We had lunch, and dinner, and spent a lot of the night talking," I answered, a wistful smile on my lips as I recalled the moments.

"He's handsome, does he like you?" My mom's question made me chuckle. After all of the time we have already spent in each other's company seemed like a pretty clear sign.

"Yes, Mom, I think he does. In fact, He offered me a position on his team," I revealed, pulling my shirt over my head before snatching my toothbrush.

"Did you kiss him?" My mom's inquiry was direct, yet her familiarity made me appreciate our relationship even more.

"A couple of times," I admitted, a hint of mischief in my voice as I brushed my teeth.

"Iris June Lexington, are you serious?" My mom's astonishment was audible.

"Yes," I managed to say, my toothbrush muffling the words.

"Is he a good kisser?" My mom's curiosity knew no bounds, and her playful tone made me laugh.

"That might be him at the door. I'll talk to you later," I quickly ended the call, sensing that Zak had arrived. I slipped my phone into my pocket, heading toward the door, I was met with the sight of a sleepy Zak holding a tray of breakfast.

"Breakfast!" Zak whispered, lifting the tray with a smile.

"You didn't have to do that," I gushed, appreciating the gesture.

"I couldn't sleep, so I got up a little early," he explained, walking into my room and setting the tray on the table. I began gathering my things and packing my duffel bag.

"I'm not sure I slept much either," I admitted with a laugh, joining him at the table. He leaned over and kissed me, and I couldn't help but smile. "Blueberry?" I observed, noticing the pancakes.

"Only the best for the best," Zak grinned, and my heart fluttered.

"I love blueberry pancakes," I said, reaching for a plate. 

"I got them from the Paradise Café," Zak shrugged, giving me a wink. We enjoyed our breakfast together, savoring the flavors and the company.

"Thank you for driving me and for the delicious breakfast," I said, appreciating his thoughtfulness.

"It's my pleasure. How are you feeling about your upcoming return home?" Zak inquired, his gaze reflecting a blend of warmth and eagerness.

"To be candid, it's a bittersweet sentiment. While I cherish my time with my family, the impending farewell weighs heavily on me," I responded, my fingers instinctively tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I want to emphasize that you're under no obligation to proceed with our tour. Should you prefer, you're more than welcome to stay," Zak suggested earnestly. "I wouldn't want you to harbor any regrets about your decision to join Ghost Adventures," he added considerately.

The car ride to the airport was mostly quiet, our hands entwined as we navigated through the Vegas traffic. I marveled at the emotions swirling within me, wondering how to express them.

"You'll send me your info so I can visit soon, right?" Zak's question broke the silence, and I found comfort in his desire to stay connected.

"Of course. And we'll keep in touch in the meantime?" I asked a touch of hopefulness in my voice.

"Yeah, I guess I can," Zak smirked, glancing at me. I smiled, feeling a surge of warmth.

"I would like that," I admitted, my heart skipping a beat. I reached over and rubbed his arm gently, feeling a magnetic pull between us.

We arrived at the airport, and my heart sank at the thought of parting ways. Zak pulled up to my terminal, and we unclicked our seatbelts, stepping out of the car. He walked over to my side and handed me my bag. I dropped it on the ground and hugged him tightly, my emotions getting the best of me.

"I'll see you soon," I managed to say, reluctantly letting go of him. Zak held onto me, his grip firm as he looked down at me, his expression a mixture of tenderness and earnestness.

"I hope you know you're important to me. I know it's only been a couple of days, but it has been some of the best days I've had in a long time," Zak confessed, his words sinking deep into my heart.

"For me too," I replied, gazing up at him with genuine affection. He released me from our hug but held my hands in his, his touch sending shivers down my spine.

"I think we should take things a little slow before we jump into anything, but I'd like to see this through," Zak added, his thumb rubbing my hands gently. "If you want."

"I would like that," I responded, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Zak leaned down, and our lips met in a slow, soft kiss, igniting a spark that I couldn't ignore. As the kiss ended, I knew it was time to go, to board the plane and continue with my journey.

"Call me later?" Zak requested as he picked up my bag for me. I reached out and pulled him into another kiss whilst taking my bag from his hand.

"I definitely will," I promised, my heart racing as I turned to walk into the airport. I resisted the urge to look back, knowing that if I did, I might not be able to leave.

Once inside, I focused on my journey ahead, both in terms of my flight and the decisions I needed to make about my future. As the automatic doors opened, I took a step forward, ready to embark on the next chapter of my life. Just as I was about to step inside, I heard my name.

Turning around, I was met with the sight of Zak, standing there with a small red box in his hand. Confusion and surprise-filled me as he approached.

"Just open it," Zak instructed, a smile on his face as he gestured toward the box. I opened it to find a beautiful necklace inside, an oval pendant on a long chain featuring his museum's design. "To remember this trip." He flashed a crooked smile.

"Thank you, Zak. I love it," I said, touched by his thoughtful gesture. Zak took the necklace from my hands and placed it around my neck, his touch gentle.

"I almost forgot I had it with me," Zak explained, his thumb brushing against my cheek. "But you better go before you end up missing your flight."

Zak leaned down and gave me a quick kiss, sending me on my way with a sense of warmth and anticipation. As I walked into the airport, I couldn't help but glance back one last time. There was Zak, sitting against his car, a smile on his face as he waved me off. That image, his smile, and his wave would remain etched in my memory. No matter where this journey led, I knew that this moment would always hold a special place in my heart. 

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