Where We Met

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I overheard a conversation between a couple of men nearby, engaged in a heated argument. One voice exclaimed urgently, "We need an ambulance, she isn't waking up." As my senses slowly returned, I realized my head was cradled in someone's hands. With a gradual awakening, I managed to open my eyes and found myself staring into the face of... HIM.

"What has transpired?" I inquired, endeavoring to sit up. Strong hands, belonging to Zak, aided me in my efforts.

"You fainted near Peggy's room. Your collapse rattled the group, and they opted to conclude their tour right then and there," Zak elucidated with a chuckle.

"I deeply apologize. Are they all right?" I hadn't intended to alarm the group; my sudden blackout was entirely unforeseen. Zak responded with a reassuring laugh.

"Yes, they're perfectly fine. The tour continued without any further incidents. How about you? Are you feeling better now?" Zak inquired, his attention shifting momentarily to the friends who were now gathered around me. I nodded, offering an apologetic smile.

"Where are we, exactly?" I suddenly realized that I had been transported to a different room, one that was considerably brighter than where I had lost consciousness.

"We've brought you to a staff room to provide you with some space and fresh air, away from the rest of the group," Zak explained. As I began to rise to my feet, Zak was instantly at my side, ensuring my stability. "Take your time. There's no need to rush."

Zak's expression was marked by genuine concern as he observed me. I surveyed the others in the room, all of them wearing matching expressions of worry. A blush crept onto my cheeks, and I felt a wave of embarrassment wash over me.

"I assure you, I'm alright. I just didn't anticipate the intensity of the energy throughout the entire tour," I admitted with an embarrassed chuckle, rubbing my head.

"Is your head causing you any discomfort? You took quite a fall, and we saw it on our cameras. It caught us off guard, so we weren't able to catch you in time," Zak remarked, his hand still resting gently on my back.

"It's a bit tender, but nothing serious. Thank you for your concern," I reassured him, appreciating the warmth of his hand against my back. Our eyes met, and I found myself drawn into the intensity of his gaze, the deep blue of his eyes captivating.

"Intriguing," Zak mused, his arms folded across his chest. "I've encountered heightened sensitivities before, but I must admit, you have me beat."

A playful grin formed on his lips as he acknowledged the palpable energy between us. I couldn't help but laugh at his observation, my own nervousness punctuated by the shared connection we seemed to be experiencing.

"I can sense it too, your energy resonates strongly. Your concern during my blackout was palpable," I confessed, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment once more. The dynamic between us was both exhilarating and bewildering.

"Indeed, your sensitivity is remarkable. Before your blackout, what were you experiencing?" Zak inquired, his focus unwavering as we maintained our eye contact. A subtle yet potent energy seemed to pass between us, creating an unspoken understanding.

"I sensed overwhelming anger, an oppressive fog guiding me through the tour. My heart raced, and I felt dizzy, culminating in the blackout. The last thing I remember was the presence of a looming black mass that trailed behind me from room to room," I recounted, recounting the eerie encounter. Zak's gaze shifted from my eyes to my lips, intensifying the charged atmosphere between us.

"I've encountered a similar entity, usually in the basement. It's unusual to encounter it on the upper floors," Zak mused. Our eyes remained locked, and I felt a magnetic pull, a connection that transcended our brief interaction.

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