Chapter 24

36 11 106

Jiwoo's POV

I woke up suddenly , hearing the maid knocking at the door of my room .

"Goodmorning Miss. Kim!" she greeted that made me smile and greet her back.

As usual she had came to wake me up and inform me to freshen up to have breakfast.

I washed myself and dolled up myself, it was Saturday though but I had plans with my best friend .

"Goodmorning Mom , Goodmorning Dad!" I greeted as I adjusted myself at the dinning .

They both smiled , food was getting served and they were waiting for me to come so that we can eat together.

"Oho!" Dad smiled mischievously as if he was teasing with my boyfriend's name that don't even exist "my princess is looking very happy today . Hmmm?! Something up today?"

I giggled before replying to him "we have a college party today and I am sooooooo excited. " I flashed my teeth , my smile wasn't taking over me.

"Really? And what's there to be so happy about it when you don't like parties?" Mom raised an eyebrow while crossing her arms at her chest .

Her question made me blink rapidly and I freezed at my position , thinking what reason should I give now .

"Well Mom, you know it's college party and Ofcourse Miku will be going with me too . It's only because of her-"

I was spitting whatever came into my mind , and she must be thinking what a dumb creature she had given birth to . Well, dad saved my ass cutting my words in between .

"OH darling !! She is happy what elese we want . You just make sure her bank balance has enough money. "

"And yeah , Jiwoo , we both will be leaving for Kyoto within an hour . So you take care while you will be out , tell me if you want bodyguards or anything-"

"Daddd , it's okay I am not a kid anymore and only my colleagues will be there . Don't worry I will be taking care of myself . And Miku will be there too so you don't have to worry even one percent ."

I gave them an assuring smile while they looked tensed but ofcourse Dad won't force me to have bodyguards now.


"Okay okay okay Dad and Mom have a safe journey byeee . Excuse me-"

I stood up making my Dad stop in between whatever he was about to say , pulling my mobile ose to my ear to show that someone was really calling me just to escape from them.


Jiwoo woke up with a jerk when someone shaked her body vigorously .

"Heyyy you , can't you think anything else instead of sleeping" Miku yelled , she was standing at Jiwoo's left that made her look giant and evil.

"Oh Goshhh!" placing her hands to her heart , Jiwoo breathed heavily "bitch you scared my ass."

"Aye Aye!!" Miku scrunched her mouth "stop cursing infront of a kid."

"Kid?!" Jiwoo was clueless until she saw a kid standing at her left side .

"Oww! Matsu baby came to Jiwoo's house . Come here ." She stretched her arms making the boy hug her .

Sakurada Matsu was Sakurada Miku's younger brother . Her mother was out for some reason and she wanted to come to Jiwoo's house so she tagged him along with her .

"Jiwoo onee ( 'sister' in Japanese )" Matsu called Jiwoo in his squeaky voice .

Jiwoo wiggled her eyebrows at him , "Yes Matsu?!"

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