Chapter 28

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"Is this looking alright?" YN spins as she comes out from the dressing room of the wedding resort. She is wearing a white wedding gown, her hair is down till her mid arms not combed yet but still they look sober and not like hay.

Yoonji, Miku and Tae were already waiting for her in the room. Tae is nervous as his best friend is getting married today. Well! His best friends are getting married. 


He is wearing a baby pink tuxedo, matching with his girlfriend, who is in a baby pink bodycon gown.

He nibbles on his bottom lip as he sees YN, in his eyes she was always like fairies and today she is still the same for him. His YN, whom he had loved and adored more than anyone else in his whole life.

He is so happy that he is not in a state to smile or even laugh. He is looking at his Cinderella, 


At his best friend's Cinderella.

Without even blinking his eyes, mouth slightly opened, if there were houseflies in the room they would've made sure to roam in his sexy mouth.

Well this ain't about him atleast for now.

So, YN is looking too damn beautiful, prettier than Goddesses, standing infront of the most important and close people of her life. Still waiting for their response.

Yoonji and Miku both stand up simultaneously and kiss on her cheeks exactly at the same time, while she is just smiling with her eyes closed. Miku and Yoonji were like mirror of each other. 

"Oh my god, Jiwoo. You look so pretty." Miku pauses for a second after she realises she actually called her Jiwoo. She isn't sorry for calling her Jiwoo, they all have moved on very well and now they take everything as a joke.

"I can imagine Jungkook getting a heartattack right away, infront of so many people and in the groom's dress." Yoonji announces, as she adjusts the gown that YN is wearing.

Taehyung is still standing with his opened mouth. Wonder how many flies are making out on his sexy tongue. But no, since they have room fresheners.

YN smiles at the boy, she wants him to say something. If not praising then atleast say some teasing words, but is he even in a state to utter a single word. No!

"Yaah!" YN shouts, Tae shakes his head as if he is coming back to reality, "Are paralyzed or possessed by some evil spirit?"

YN yells at him, while her hands are on her hips, Miku is putting earpiece in her piercings while Yoonji is also doing the same but in other ear piercing.

"Ah-" Taehyung blinks his eyes, for him YN is looking like a baby, like his cute little sister yelling at him because he didn't bring chocolate for her.

It is as if he was eating with her during recess in school, getting ready for the annual function, teasing her on picnic days and suddenly she is standing infront of him in a wedding gown and within a few hours she will be kissing her groom infront of everyone.

YN titles her head to right as she still didn't get an answer from her best friend. She is hoping he will do something as he is going somewhere, maybe into the dressing room to bring something.

"Lemme comb your hair." Taehyung says while showing her the comb in his right hand and a tiara in the other. 


"Hyung!" Jungkook is whining at Jin, who is supposed to click a picture of the handsome groom but as usual he is busy clicking selca of his world wide handsome face.

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