Chapter 26

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"Now tell me? What happened?" Miku asked Jiwoo who had called her to a Cafe.

It's a pleasant and cold morning and they both are the first customers of the day.

"I don't know!" Jiwoo sighed, putting her head down on the table.

"Ayee! Just spit it already. You don't look like you since past few days. You somewhat changed."

Miku said, while sipping the canned softdrink, probably worried about her friend who was behaving weired.

"I just don't know. I feels weird around him."

"Who? Your senpai?" She asks while putting the can on the table.

*senpai = teacher in Japanese*

"Eh! Don't say senpai, it sounds seductive."

"Oh yeah that sexy hawtty. I mean Mr. Rude"

"This suits him a lot." Jiwoo sighed again staring at the oreo freekshake that was kept infront of her.

"Miss. You need to explain in detail whatever situation you're facing." Crossing her arms, Miku raised her eyebrows.

Jiwoo is struggling with her own thoughts , she is confused and she don't even know what is happening to her.

"Okay! So! Ummmmm...." Jiwoo stretched her back, pulling herself to sit straight as she was leaning on the table.

"You know when few days back that Jackson incident happened, actually I donno why but I felt like I was dreaming about J-J... Jung.

I mean.....anghhhh...." her elbows are resting at the table, carrying her face in her hands she overplays the scenes, the memories of her seeing Jungkook from the Freshers party.

"Jiwoo!! Relax babes! I am your bestie, okay!! don't hesitate. First of all think and then speak."

Once again Jiwoo takes a deep breadth before she continues.

"As you know Taehyung helped me, he was the one who found me when Jackson took me to the room.

But all I rember is Jungkook." She paused to take a deep breadth once again.

"I don't know why because I didn't even saw him that day. I was not even thinking about Jungkook but I just remembered his face.

It's strange.

And let's just keep that aside. Comes to the time when we are alone in the room- I mean when he is teaching.

When Jungkook plays guitar, it sounds so amazing and it sounds like- like- I know that tone but when I asks him which song is this he says it's just random.

He looks very rude to everyone, like did you noticed yesterday how perfectly he ignored me as if I am just air.

But still, I dunno why. Why?! Why I feels butterflies in my chest even if he is acting like a jerk.

I feels tickles in my stomach when I catches him looking at me while I am practicing my guitar. I feels nervous yet comfortable around him.

And it's after the day, that day, freshers party.

Remember when Taehyung and I met, I was feeling very happy around him. He is such a cheerful person."

Jiwoo speaks continuously without observing her friend and she is really speaking very fast.

"Calm down babe. My little brain can't handle speedy informations." Miku blinked her eyes to absorb all the things Jiwoo mentioned.

Jiwoo continued again when Miku nodded in order to make her speak.

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