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A week passed by without much fan and fare. Seiji was, most of the times, busy with her research related works or with surgeries. And then she was running to Jimin's room, panicking.

"Jimin, are you alright? What happened? Is everything okay?" She bombarded the young man as soon as he came to her line of sight.

Jimin just stared at his phone, rubbed his face while groaning, leaned back in his chair and repeated the above activities in the same sequence. 

"Yah! Jimin!" Seiji raised her voice. 

"Yoongi texted me." 

"Yoongi— who?" She asked sitting on the couch as Jimin finally joined her on the opposite seat.

"Yoongi— as in the director of NSH," Jimin shot her a glare.

"Oh, that Yoongi. And? Wait— did the patient die?!" She had a look of pure horror on her face.

He glared at her again. "Would you stop interrupting me every damn second? The patient is safe."

Seiji sighed in utter relief. "Yeah, sorry. What did he say?"

"He asked me out?"

"Asked you out? Why would he ask yo— oh. Oh. OHHH!"

"Yeah, oh." Jimin groaned again.

"Wait, I thought you liked him?" Seiji asked, surprised at the younger's reaction.

"I do like him. A lot," He mumbled.

"So what's the problem? Why are you groaning?" Jimin stayed silent.

"Talk to me Chim, what's the problem?" Seiji pressed.

"I... just don't know what to do. I am... afraid..."

She saw where this came from. "Of? What other's will think?"

Jimin looked up. "You know me better than that." Seiji stayed silent, causing him to speak again.

"It's just... you know how my last relationship ended. And I really like him. Like, really really like him. And I don't want to mess anything up. And, and, yeah," He sighed.

Seiji smiled softly. "Jimin, you are not going to meet him today and get married tomorrow. Relax. Just go, meet him and see if you hit off or not. He might end up being not so good once you get to know him or he could be a lot better than you make of him. You never know until you give it a shot."

"But if this fails, or ends up being one sided, then it is gonna get real awkward between us as the heads of our hospitals, which at the moment, I really don't want."

"But what if it ends up being right? What if it ends up being just the thing that you want?" Seiji asked. "Besides, you know I'll kick his butt if he hurts you. Director of NSH or not."

Jimin laughed. "It's in..." He looked at his watch, "Less than five hours."

Seiji's eyes widened. "Damn Jimin! What in the actual hell are you doing here, then?!"

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