Chapter 2 (Part 1)

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*Dinahs' p.o.v.*

As everybody was competing at Bootcamp, I realized I was up for a competition. "These people are really good! Like oh my gosh, I'm starting to freak out! No Dinah get it together, you can do this!" I said to myself.

As people kept going up to sing, they finally gave us a 15 minute break. I was sitting down in the shade practicing my song. I was caught off guard as I realized this very beautiful girl walk by me. I stared for a little while then I caught myself and went back to practicing my song.

When the break was over I realized that the beautiful girl I was stunned by was jusy sitting a few rows ahead of me. I kept staring at her.

-The Bootcamp continues-

*Camilas' p.o.v.*

The Bootcamp was over and the judges were making their final decisions. I am so nervous, because there was just so many talented people to compete with.

Hours passed by and the judges finally made their decisions, so they called everybody back. So many people were getting called on, as they passed to the next round.

I wasn't called on. "I thought I had the talent in me, but I guess the judges didn't think I had what it took to go far." I thought to myself sadly.

*Simons' p.o.v.*

"Guys." he said to the other judges. "I just can not let go of those 5 talented girls. Ally, Normani, Dinah, Lauren, and Camila. They were all way too talented to let go. I need them back in here. I have a brilliant idea!" he said with the biggest smile on his face.

*Allys' p.o.v.*

My name was called on from a Staff member saying the judges wanted to see me and 4 other girls. "I was kind of excited but yet nervous for what they were going to say."

*Normanis' p.o.v.*

I heard my name being called by a woman standing on a chair with the word "STAFF" on her shirt. At first I thought she was crazy for calling my name, but then I realized the judges wanted to see me again, so I coudn't wait to see what they had to say!

*Dinahs' p.o.v.*

I was broken inside. "I wanted to be the first Polonesian to become a popular singer and I ruined that." as I said to myself. Then I heared my name and jumped from my seat. I didn't care for the reason, I just wanted to know why the judges wanted to see me again.

*Laurens' p.o.v*

I was sitting down with my head in my hands crying. I didn't know what to think anymore. "I'm never going to be good enough! I ruined my dream and I will never be able to get it b-..." I was cut off by a woman calling my name. She was saying that the judges wanted to see me again, so I wiped tears away and headed back to see them.

*Camilas' p.o.v.*

I was crying so desperately. "I've waited all my life just for it to be crushed by 4 people thinking I didn't have the talent in me." I told myself. I was pretty upset, but then I heard my name. A Staff lady was calling my name saying that the judges wanted to see me again. I kinda got really emotional at the point, because I didn't know what to prepare myself for, the best or the worst.

*Simons' p.o.v.*

"Ladies, I called you all back because, I think you have INCREDIBLE talent in you and I couldn't let that go to waste. So, as we were picking the finalists, I came up with an idea. You are all coming back into the competion!" I said smiling at the girls. They all screamed and had tears of joys streaming down their shocked faces. "BUT! Under one condition." I interrupted their cheers. It all of a sudden became silent. "You 5 will be in a group, because I think all of your voices combined will make perfect melody and harmony." I said to them. They all looked at each other, with shocked lookes on their faces, once more and started to hug each other so tight while they were sharing their tears of joy, happiness and accomplisments together. I couldn't help but walk towards them, smile at them, and give each of them a big welcome back hug!

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