Chapter 7

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The girls were all setteling into their bunks and organizing their thinks into draws and tiny places around the bus. That's when Dinah saw Camila enter a private room in the back of the bus. So she decided to follow her.

*Dinahs' p.o.v.*

I followed Mila to the back room just to hang out with her and have some private time alone with her. I slid the door and walked in and it kind of frightened her. She way laying down across the seats, looking like she was about to take a nap. So I decided to sit down on the other couch next to the one sje was laying on. She looked at me with a sleepy face and got up and laid on my lap. Her head on my lap and the rest of her body on the couch. She looked really beautiful. I was brushing my fingers through her hair and having a little conversation with her. It was nice to have a little private time with her. With each stroke I made through her hair and our conversation coming to an end, she kept getting more sleepy. So I decided to let her rest. I kissed her forehead and whispered "Just rest Mila." I still continued to stoke through her hair, just so she could stay relaxed. After about 5 minutes just watching the little beauty sleep, I had fallen asleep too.

*Camilas' p.o.v.*

I woke up on Dinahs' lap. She was still sleeping so I decided to let her rest. I got up and laid her down on a pillow and put a little blanket on her. I moved her hair out of her face and kissed her cheek. I looked at when I was coming away fro the kiss and smirked at her. She was so beautiful and peaceful. Then I quitely walked out of the back room and went into the living room with the others.

-30 minutes later-

I was Dinah walk out of the room with the blanket rapped around her body. She looked so cozy and cute with her still restful body. I smiled at her and said "Hey DJ! How was your nap?"

"It was relaxing. How was yours?" she said in a sleepy voice.

"Mine was great." I smiled at her. And she smiled back.

"Want me to make you a PB&J?" I asked Dinah.

"No, I'm good, buth thank you. I just want to cuddle with you Mila." she said as she sat across from me me.

I smiled at her and came to where she was sitting and started to cuddle with her. She wrapped her blanket around me too and it just felt so right. She had my mind going everywhere.

-Show Time-


The girls were ready. They were warming up their vocals as tey could hear the loud screams of the fans waiting for them to come on stage. After they were done warming up, they all looked at each other, smiled and did a big group hug. Their dreams start tonight. The day they have all been waiting for has finally come. They were all so very excited to show the fans what they were made of. Everybody gathered together in a circle and prayed for a good performance. They broke apart and the girls were directed to the stage by their body gaurd Big Rob. They all ran up on stage and the screams of all the happy fans got even louder. It almost made Fifth Harmony cry.

-2 hours later-

Their first ever concert came to an end. The girls said their goodbyes and how sunch amazing crowd they all were and left the stage waving and smiling goodbye. Throwing kisses here and there.
They got backstage, cleaned up, got in theur PJs and headed back tp the tour bus. The girls right away headed toward the back room to talk about what an amazing time it was. After about 30 minutes of all their laughters, cheers and cries, they decided to call their parents to ask how the performance was. Their parents were all so proud of them and couldn't be any happier. After the phone calls they headed off to bed.

-2 months later-

They kept doing this for about 2 months now and there was only 3 more shows left until the tour was going to end. In the next couple of weeks, the girls were going to be very busy. They were coming to an end of their concert, they were going to awards, and they were going to start on their new album. Time was flying by so quickly so they had to hurry up and get things done.

During those 2 months of the tour, Camila and Dinah were the 2 closest people. They were pretty much inseperatabe. And Camila didn't think she could hold her feelings in for Dinah anymore.

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