Chapter 5 (Part 1)

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*Laurens' p.o.v.*

Many people already knew who we are, thanks to the X Factor! But now, it's time to get serious. All of our futures will depend on this album and I don't want to fail myself, my family nor the girls. I can tell that everyone is super excited to start recording our songs and it just makes me so happy but yet so nervous, because I want to pressue my dream.

-Phone rings-

"Hello." Lauren said.

"Hello Lauren." Simon replied back.

"Simon! What's up?" Lauren questioned.

"I would like all of you girls to come done to the studio, we have a few songs ready for you girls yo record." Simon said excitedly.

"Oh my gosh, wow, um okay, yeah, we'll be on our way in about 5 minutes. Thanks Simon!" Lauren said.

"No, thank you girls for having such beautiful voices." Simon said back.

-End of phone call-

"Girls!" Lauren shouted. "We have to go to the studio to meet with Simon! He said they have some music for us to record already! So lets get going!" She continued to shout.

Only Ally amd Normani came to the living room. We waited a for a few moments and I shouted for Camila and Dinah. There was no response neither were they coming to the living room.

I decided to go find them. When I knocked on Dinahs' door, there was still no response. So I decided to open the door. What I found them doing kind of shocked me l, but at the same time it made me smile.

Camila and Dinah sleeping together and in an intense cuddle. I didn't know they felt that way about each other. In fact none of us did.

When Ally and Normani decided to come to the room where I was standing in the doorway and was staring at them, they did't believe it either. They both "Awed" and made cute in love faces. Ally instantly took out her phone and took a picture of them. "That's a keeper!" she said with the biggest smile. "Let's just wake them up and head on out." I said as I stopped admiring he two.

-At the studio-


The girls had reviewed the songs that their composers hade made for them and instantly fell in love with all of them. They had the girls start recording their first song called Miss Movin' On.

After a long period of time, the girls had finally finished recording their first song. When they were all done recording, they instantly took off the head phones and ran towards each other, screamig and hugging each other while jumping up and down. They all couldn't believe that they had just recorded their FIRST song together!


*Dinahs' p.o.v.*

Once again, me and Mila were still sleeping together. I still didn't mind it, but I couldn't get over the fact that I had feelings for my best friend. I wanted to do something fun and special with just me and Mila one night so I'm just going to ask her.

"Hey Mila?" I said as me and her were cuddling.

"Yes Dinah?" Camila replied back.

"Do you think maybe on Saturday night, just me and you can go do something fun?" I asked

"Awe, sure Dinah that would be fun!" she said happily. "But why just me and you?"

I kind of got word shot. I didn't know how to answer that question. "Well, I just think since were like best friends now, I think we should just go do something fun together." I replied back not knowing what I just said.

"But Dinah, we're all besy friends. Why can't we all go out together?" she asked.

"We'll Camila, you're the closest one to me i the group and I just want to do something with my closest friend right now. So what do you say?" I said.

"Awe" she said again. "Well, Dinah I'd love to!" she said cheerfully.

And with thay conversation beig said, I had a smile on my face the rest of the night and fell asleep with Camila in my arms.

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