Chapter 9 (Part 1)

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*Dinahs' p.o.v.*

We just got throught security check and when we got to the waiting area of the airport, there was a wave of screaming fans that came running our way. I instantly grabbed Milas' hand and pulled her in front of me. Big Rob and our team were forcing the fans away from us so we could get to our jet and next thing I know, I was on the floor. I woke up with a little pain on my jaw. Big Rob looked down at me and pulled me up and said "Are you okay Dinah?"

"Um yeah, but my jaw kind of hurts." I said as i grabbed it.

"You tripped over my foot. I'm sorry." He said with a concerned look on his face.

"It's okay Rob, you didn't mean it." I said looking at him with a little smile.

He carried me the whole way through the airport until we got on the plane. Mila jumped from her seat and quickly walked towards me. She looked at me with a concerned face and asked me "Are you okay Dinah?"

"Yeah, it's just that my jaw kind of hurts." I replied.

"What happened back there D?" Normani asked me.

"When we were getting crowded by the fans, Big Rob cut in front of me so block some fans and when he did that I tripped over his shoe and hit my jaw on the floor pretty hard." I told her.

When I was done talking to Mani, I looked back to Mila and she put her hand on my back and started to rub circles with her thumb. I looked into her eyes and smiled as much as my jaw would let me. She smiled back and gently moved me into her hug.

We took our seats and the plane took off. We were all talking about what were goning to do in Brazil and all that fun stuff. I was really excited too because, we were goning to make new music, go to interviews and perform in Rio. Even though we were on break from our tour, we were all excited to perfrom for our fans.

I was really tired and my jaw was hurting so I decided to take a nap. Mila and held my hand and decided to take a nap with me. I was more then happy with her by myside.

I woke up to the plane landing and my jaw was in so much pain. I tried to talk but my jaw so stuck. I woke up Camila in a hurry. I was so scared, I didn't know what to do. She finally woke up and she stared me right in the eyes. She instantly told Big Rob and everyone decided that we would go to the hospital when we land to check my jaw. It was so painful, I started have tears slowly stream down my face. I couldn't make any facial expression and we tried to rush out of the airport, but being so well known in Brazil, we weren't moving. Sadly, Big Rob had to push some fans out of our way. He didn't hurt them or anything, it was just sad seeing it occur. Mila held me hand really tight so nothing else would happen to me.

We fi ally got to the hospital and the doctor took me in for xrays. We settled in a room and after about 15 minutes he came into the room.

"Well Dinah, you have an out-of-place jaw." Dr. Renolds said as he sat in the doctors chair. "Now lucky for you we can get you into surgery right now, but don't worry. It's nothing serious. You will be better within' the next 24 hours and you can be ready to talk and sing again." He said as he smiled at me.

"Thank you Dr. Renolds." everyone replied.

I just gave him the thumbs up.

"Now I'll be back in 5 minutes to get you into surgery." He said as he left the room.

After he left, Camila came and sat by me in my bed. She grabbed my hand with both of hers and put our hands on her lap. She started making cirlcles with her tumbs on my hand, because she could tell I was nervous about the sugery. I didn't want anything bad to happed. Everyone could tell I was nervous, so everyone came around me and gave a big group hug. Dr. Renolds came back in the room.

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