Chapter 1

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*Allys' p.o.v.*

"It was my turn! I'm going up next!" Ally said nervously yet excitedly. "I've been waiting my whole life for this moment and my dream is coming true today!" She said happily.

All of Ally's family and friends cheered her on as she went up on stage and preformed her song On my Knees. As she was preforming, she shooked all four judges and got all four yeses!

Ally ran off the stage crying with excitment and ran right into the arms of all her proud family and friends.

"I'M GOING TO BOOTCAMP!" she cheered.

*Normanis' p.o.v.*

"You're gonna rock that stage baby girl!" Normanis' mom said, comforting her while she was getting ready to go on stage.

"Thanks mom. I love you so much!" Normani said.

Normani headed up the steps and onto the stage when the Staff said it was clear to go.

"My mom was right, I did rock this stage." as she thought to herself when she finished singing her song Chain of Fools. All four judges thought so too, because now I'M HEADING TO BOOTCAMP!" She yelled as she was running off the stage to meet with her mother.

*Dinahs' p.o.v.*

My heart was pounding. I didn't know what to think. I'm going to preform in front of millions of people in just a couple of minutes. I've never preformed in front of this many people, I've preformed in front of 23 people, my family. I kept gettig more and more nervous as each minute passed by.

They called my name. I looked at my parents as they were all ready tearing up. We gave each other a big hug and I walked up to the stage. I smiled as I looked around the whole staduim. I was ready to preform my song If I Were a Boy.

I cried tears of joy as each judge said "Yes!" I ran to my parents and I couldn't be more happy. They said I was the next Beyoncé! but most of all "I'M GOING TO BOOTCAMP!" as she yelled to her parents during their hug.

*Laurens' p.o.v.*

My father was the best comforter at this point, as it was my turn next to go up to the stage and preform my song If I Ain't Got You. I'm not going to lie I'm very nervous, because I don't want to ruin my one chance of accomplishing my dream, to become an inspiring singer that everybody wants to look up to.

The Staff called my name and I felt my heart skip a beat a little. My dad gave me the biggest hug he has ever given me and said "I'm proud of you Lauren, no matter what! Now go have fun on that stage baby girl. I love you!" I hugged him back so tight not wanting to let go and then smiled at him.

After I preformed my song I started to cry. I was just so excited! The judges then gave me their opinions and told me their answers. I cried harder every time each judge said "Yes!"

I ran off the stage crying i excitment to my father while he was yelling "YOU'RE GOING TO BOOTCAMP BABY GIRL! I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!"

*Camilas' p.o.v.*

The Staff told me to go home, but I wasn't going to listen to them. They told me "I am 99% not going to be able to preform." I wasn't going to give up now. I have been waiting 3 days just so I can preform.

Hours went by and the Staff told me "You're on in 5 minutes!" I stared into blank space. I was paralyzed for a few moments then I looked to my mother and just started to scream.

I was going to sing R.E.S.P.E.C.T. so I grabbed a mic and started to practice my song. I was so excited for this big moment.

The Staff called me to the stage and I instantly hugged my mom and said "Thank you for eveything."

I walked up onto the stage with the biggest smile I had ever had on my face. I was ready to start living my dream of becoming a singer.

After I preformed I broke down crying because, I was just absolutely the happiest girl in the world at that moment. Then the judges said what I've been waiting for my whole life "Yes." "Yes." " Yes." and "Yes!" I said " Thank you guys so much!" to the judges and ran for my mother screaming "I'M GOING TO BOOTCAMP!"

Everlasting Love (A Caminah Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon