Chapter 8 (Part 1)

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The girls were finishing up their last concert of the tour. Not only did the fans recognize more love and friendship between Camila and Dinah, but so did the rest if the girls. The fans were going crazy and fangirling over the two ladies up on stage. They were dancing together, hugging alot, and kissing each others cheeks alot. Everybody couldn't help but smile at the beautiful friendship they shared.

After the last show of the tour was over, they headed on their tour bus and the Lauren, Normani, and Ally decided to have a with Camila and Dinah.

*Allys' p.o.v.*

"Okay what was that all about on stage tonight?" Ally asked them both.

Camila and Dinah looked at each other condfused.

"What? Can we not share our friendship with our fans?" asked Dinah in a kind of rude way.

"No it's not that. It's just that we never really saw you guys do that, especially that much." Ally responded.

"Well were just gertig closer together that's all." Camila said.

They all nodded their heads i understandment.

*Dinahs' p.o.v.*

I kept looking at Normani. Sge kept looking at me like I had something to confess. She stood up and held out her hand for me to grab it, so I did. As I grabbed her hand, she pulled me out of the back room to the living room.

She sat me down on one of the couches. She sat right beside me and wrapped her arm around my shoulder to comfort me.

"Okay, what's going on Dinah? And don't tell me "Nothing" because I can tell you're holding something in. Now what is it?" Normani asked me.

When she asked me that question, my heart was suddenly beating at un-normal beat. I grabbed her hand and held it tight. I looked at my feet and I felt tears start to stream down my face. I looked at her with a sad look and she instanly gave me the biggest hug.

"It's Dinah, take your time." she said in a comforting voice.

It took me a few minutes to process what I was going to tell her. Finally, I knew what I was going to say.

"Normani." I said her name in a scared tone.

She looked at me with a concerned look on her face and said "Yes Dinah?"

"This is hard to say and admit, because you're the first person I've told about how I've been feeling lately." I paused for a few moments than contiued to finish my sentence. "About Camila." After I said her name, more tears started to come down from my eyes.

Normani held me in her arms so perfectly, it made me feel so safe. She lifted my chin with her index finger and made eye contact with me. "Dinah, that's adorable and okay you know that right. It's okay to have feelings for a friend." she told me.

"No." I said, removing her finger from under my chin. "This is totally different, Normani. These aren't just feelings. I'm in-" I was cut off to hear the back door open. I looked over and saw Ally walk out and walk toward Normani and I. She sat on the other side of my and saw me crying and rubbed her hand up on down my back in a comfortig way.

"Lauren and Camila are talking. She was crying and needed to confess something to Lauren." Ally informed us.

I instantly looked behind me to look at Ally and asked "Is she okay?"

"Yeah, she just really needed to get something off her chest that she has been holding in for a while. Everything is okay DJ." she replied to me and gave me a little comforting smile. I jumped a little becuase only Mila called me that.

"So what were you going to say Dinah?" Normani asked me.

I looked into Allys' eyes then to Normanis'. I looked back down at my feet. I took a deep breath and finished me sentence.

"I don't just have feelings for Camila, but I'm in love with her." I replied in a low voice.

They both hugged me. "You got it bad don't you?" Ally said in a teasing way to cheer up the mood. I giggled and nodded in agreement.

*Camilas' p.o.v.*

Lo and I were in the back room, while the rest of the girls were out in the living room with Dinah. I started to cry because, I just wanted to be with Dinah and cuddle with her.

"Camz? What's going on?" Lauren asked me in a worried tone.

I put my hands on my face "I don't know how to put it to words Lo." I told her as I cried harder. "There's something about that girl." I said.

I felt Lauren sit next to me and rub my back in a comforting way.

"Camz what girl?" Lauren asked.

"Her." I said as I paused to think about her. A few seconds later I slowly finished what I was telling Lo. "Dinah." I cried in even more into my hands.

Lauren moved my hands away from under my face and grabbed a tissue from the draw. She wipped my tears, but they kept coming out. While she was cleaning my face she asked me "Does anyone else know about this?"

"No. You're the first." I replied.

"Awe, I feel so special." she said to lighten the mood. I giggled in response and said "'Cause you are Lo."

She smiled at me and hugged me in a tight squeeze for a couple of seconds the released me. She looked into my eyes and rubbed my arms up and down. She got up and pulled me up with her. Then we headed to where the rest of the girls were at .

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