They caught him

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We wake up to the sound off the phone ringing and I answer it. "Hello?" "Hi jonas this is Sheriff Buckley and we believe we found your father. We have him in our custody, we found him in an alley behind a bar in Dover." "Ok we will be up there in an hour" I said to the cop. "Whats wrong babe?"  "They found my father." We go downstairs to find Angel's parents in the kitchen. "Who are you!?"  I shuddered I couldn't just say "hi im jonas, the guy banging your daughter." I say " hello I am one of - Angels friends I spent the night cause my mom is in the hospital"  "well then we are glad to hear Angel already made a friend and sorry about your mother" he said. "Mind if I ask why she is in there?" I was do nervous to answer that because I didn't know what would happen with me and Angel. "My father beat her until she almost died and now we are on our way to the police station now." He looked at more for a minute and then said "that's a horrible thing I can take you there and help clear it up a little bit."  "Ok let's go" I say back.

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