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We're holding hands as we walk down the depressing street alone. I ask " how far is your house?"    "not far from here" she answered as she looked in my eyes and smiled. She drew in closer to me and hugs me. i kiss her head and i whisper in her ear "love you." Her reaction was that she smiled and looked up for me and we kissed still walking not even looking where we're going. HONNNKKKK we look to our left to see a angry man in a car honking at us shaking his fist " Get out of the road you damn kids!" he screamed at us and we hurry along to get out of the road. "Man what a jerkoff" she said drawing close to me again. "Yeah, what a douchebag" I implied and we both burst out laughing. We pass the park with the frosted grass and the leave covered slide and play house. As we walk passed the depressing sight I think *I remember this place mom and dad used to take me here before dad drank away all our money and lost his job. "Did you hear me jonas?" Angel looked at me and realised i was staring into space. "Uhhhh.... umm No im sorry" I say. "I said that place looks like fun we should go there sometime with our future kids." I pulled away from her "Our kids?" We've been together for two days so far and shes thinking about kids? i thought. "Yeah i want kids sometime in my life and i found the perfect guy who i want to be their father, a kind hearted crazy and loveable man who I think is very cute" I felt my face get hot and she came over and kissed my cheek and looked into her eyes and they sparkled in the morning sun. "Sure if we can call one of the boys "Dahvie" I say looking back at her. " And if we have a girl we'll call her Rebecca" she implied. We laugh relising we almost named the entire trio from BOTDF. She takes my hand and we continue walking down the road and we go past all the houses and they seemed to look nicer and nicer as we pass them. ''Wow! You live in this neiborhood? I could only dream of living here." i look at the ground embarrassed of where I come from. "Yeah I do and its all lonly living in this area with everyone doing the same thing everyday going to mixers at their bosses house and them complaining that their neibors house is bigger and want to remodel. I hate it." She said. "Oh" I tell her. " Its just up here" she said as we walk up to this humungous three story house with a fountain at its front entrance. I look with awe with my mouth opened as i look at it "Well are we going to go inside?" she looks at me and puts my jaw back in place.

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